Federal petition for paramedical tattooist registration and increased Medicare rebate < 19th Feb2025
Please sign our petition before 19th February 2025.Link to petition https://tinyurl.com/zsy38u25 • The aim of this petition is to gather support for previvors (people who have had or are considering having preventative mastectomies) and breast cancer survivors who have undergone breast reconstruction after mastectomy and…
Radiation skin not healing after implant
Hi all, Wanting to know if anyone has had an implant put in and the skin not healing due to past radiation. I have a pin hole sized wound where the nipple has been removed and stitched, and three months later it still has not healed. I have been advised that the implant has to come out or replaced by a smaller implant. Has…
Loss of nipple sensitivity
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone has experienced this problem (I am sure some of you have). I had a lumpectomy in January followed by 3 weeks of radiation in February this year. My scars have healed well and although I had quite severe cording, it has settled down now. I have some stiffness in my arm/ chest wall that…
Survivors Ink dates and locations
hi everyone see the updated list for Survivors Ink days
Feeling down
Hi,everyone,just an update..went back to PS yesterday,i now have nipple necrosis and have to go back to surgery tomorrow to remove dead skin and make sure there are no other issues.he was going to do first expander fill,but now that's been delayed..just feeling bit like its two steps back and haven't started any other…