Joint pain after treatment has ended
Hi lovely ladies, I'm just wondering if any of you have experienced joint/bone pain once your treatment has ended? I finished Chemo 6 months ago and at night experience pain particularly in my hips and down one leg. Its not there all the time. I am taking Exemestane tablets which I am unsure if they are the cause. Thank…
Help test a new online database that shows interactions between cancer medicines, herbs & vitamins
Hi all, Researchers at Satori Medicine, an independent consulting group, in collaboration with an Expert Committee comprising of consumer representatives, including consumer representatives from Breast Cancer Network Australia, health professionals and other researchers are conducting a study to test, evaluate and report…
Hormone therapy only
Just curious...about how many of us here have gone straight from lumpectomy (or two like me) to hormone therapy, no rads, no chemo. I was stage 1, grade 2 early stage breast cancer, no lymph node involvement. Admittedly i am part of a radiation trial (EXPERT) where i was placed randomly in the hormone therapy only group. I…
Reaching out to anyone who has PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) How has BC affected your PMDD?
Hi all. I am reaching out to anyone who has PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and who has BC. I suffer from this horrible disorder and was hoping to find a fellow PMDD sufferer with BC. How have treatments, chemo and hormone suppression affected your PMDD? Thanks <3