3 rounds of surgery over. Very early detection started with conservation surgery in both. Next wider margins. Still not clear in left. I made the decision for bilateral mastectomy and confidently say this was the right decision for me. Supported by my husband and surgeon. No further treatment. Next year for review etc. I…
Donating breast forms/prosthesis
Hi. Does anyone know where I can donate my breast prosthesis? I have had my reconstruction now so do not require them. They are expensive so I thought someone might want/need them.
What are you supposed to do if you have been given the textured implants (linked to lymphoma)?
I have the Mentor Memorygel textured implants which are on the "voluntary recall" list in the US but I don't know what the advice is here in Australia. I had my reconstruction (after double mastectomy) in the public system in Sydney but I have not been contacted by the plastics team about the lymphoma risk. Does anyone…
Latissimus Dorsi Reconstruction
In April 19 I had a mastectomy and lat dorsi reconstruction. I am still experiencing swelling/fluid that comes and goes in my back and boob, tightness in my back and general discomfort. I also had a seroma under my arm so a drain tube was put in for 4 weeks, and was removed 3 weeks ago. I guess I’m feeling it’s one step…
Recommendations for private health insurer for reconstruction surgery
Hi, I have not had private health insurance before and bit confused with it all. I was after some recommendations for PH insurance providers for when I proceed with my recon surgery.
Breast Reconstruction Information Evening 16 October 2019 Adelaide
Hello everyone,Flinders Medical Centre In Adelaide are hosting a Breast Reconstruction Information Evening on Wednesday 16 October 2019. The event is free to attend, see the details below.