Friday Update - 17th November 2023
A very warm welcome to all
our new members who have joined us in November so far and to our existing
members who continue to provide support to others navigating their breast
cancer diagnosis or who are seeking support for family/friends. A reminder for our newbies: please check
out Episode 1 (Season 1) of Charlotte…
Friday Update - 22nd September 2023
Hello everyone, It feels like the month of September is flying by us all. You may have noticed a few technical related correspondences from BCNA recently and I would like to share upcoming changes to the BCNA website in this update. You will also read about recent news items, upcoming forums and content you may have…
"Can Assist" - Cancer Assistance Network, NSW - re accommodation, advocacy, assistance & resources
Can Assist has numerous branches around rural NSW and have a great list of resources that are available to Cancer Patients in NSW ..... over and above the ones that you already know about! https://canassist.org.au/cancer-assistance/#community They can also provide practical financial assistance too - and helped us out last…
Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report
Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report BCNA Policy & Advocacy has been busy implementing our action plan from the Breast Reconstruction in Australia 2021 report, launched in September 2021. Key activities have included meetings held with most state and territory governments to advocate for…
Article from USA re patient advocacy & metastatic bc
Thought this article was topical given some of the issues expressed on recent threads. Patient centred care and engagement with consumers to inform practice, research and priorities is the way ahead to create better outcomes for all. Best wishes to everyone for festive season. 🎄🌈…
Consumer Advocate Training 11 October 2018
Hi, I know there are a few of you up this way. This is a free event in a venue that usually does excellent food (just in case you need to be incentivized) https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/hume-regional-rural-consumer-advocacy-workshop-tickets-50387991840?utm_term=eventurl_text
Breast Cancer Network Australia top 5 advocacy priorities
Hello Breast Cancer Network Australia have identified 5 advocacy priorities for 2018. These will be the 5 key areas on our agenda this year and where our focus and energies will be directed. Please see link below for further information https://www.bcna.org.au/about-us/advocacy/