Help me, help you, A consumer advocate
Hi all, I've been invited to be a consumer advocate for a research project aimed at helping women post breast cancer treatment with self management skills for reducing the symptom severity & quality of life dealing with side effects from treatment. In doing so I would love to get feed back to find out what women are dealing with, what they would like to know about, & how things helped post breast cancer maintain a new normal. Their aim for the research project is to produce a resource booklet to be given to patients at the end of their treatment.
Talking to the BCNA we felt there is space on the online network to actually set up a new online support group, to continue supporting women post treatment. Thoughts about a name for this group range from 'Transition to Survivorship', 'Life after active treatment', 'The ongoing challenges' , 'The new Normal', 'Helpful Hints'. I would also like HELP, with any ideas or offers of help with this project. It's all about helping those who are about to finish treatment & find themselves feeling lost & worried about what is normal after their treatment.
I will share with you my main side affect after treatment was Neuropathy in my feet. I'm not sure if anything but time has eased the pain & numbness in my feet, but I did try stimulating them with alternating foot soaks with very warm water & then cold water to help stimulate the nerves. Elevating my feet at the end of a long day on them & not wearing too tight socks & shoes has also helped.
I'm open to any suggestions, all feedback welcome
Thanks Deb