On a day to day basis, yes its challenging, so long as I get a good nights sleep I can manage reasonably well,but you have put into words exactly how it is for me as well,its the fatigue which is hard to deal with on any given day, and like you its only when I wake up then I know if its going to be a pyjama day or a down but not out day, but the xeloda is doing its job and I will keep on perservering, it was extremely hard at first, initially I was on 3 tablets morning and night but after 11 days found myself in an ambulance off to emergency and 8 days in hospital on a drip, the next 7 days were cruel I may as well have put a mattress in the toilet my poor body just did not know what hit it, so now I am on 2 tablets morning and night I am on a 12 days on 9 days off after the hospital episode,in the beginning both my hands and feet split cracked and I was shedding skin so bad that every morning my bed and the floor was covered in skin bits, that has settled down a bit and now I just have to deal with very tight stretched skin on my hands and limited movement, things like opening cans and tops off containers is very hard, I have to wear gloves to peel vegetables, BUT you do get "used" to it, like you any given day can see me laying on my beautiful electric remote controlled bed, its where I am most comfortable, like you I have a dishwasher and a a partner who is my rock, he has had to deal with the fallout for the last 4 and a half years, my initial diagnosis was stage 4 advanced breast cancer, with tumours in my spine and 6 in my liver, after hitting me hard with chemo I have been on femara, affinitor aromisin and had a very short 6 week spell on tamoxifen, I have been online and found a support group in the UK they call themselves the Cape Crusaders, because of xelodas proper name, its a drug that seems to have had a resurgence and is a popular choice for oncologists with our type of cancer, however as you would know its not for everyone,some ladies have lasted only a few days or weeks, because of the horrible side effects, however its something that my partner and I have chosen to live with and as long the xeloda continues to work I will stay on it, I see my oncologist every 6 weeks, I have a xgeva injection every 6 weeks and my bloods are done every 21 days, its a 5 hour round trip to my oncologist as we live in country south australia,however its worth the trip, I love where I live and I have every faith in my oncologist,it gives my partner and I a lot of hope to find someone who has been doing this for so long, where abouts are you in this big country of ours.If you go to the bcna metastatic personal stories section you will see a series of videos that were done in late Aug this year and I was lucky enough to be asked to participate.
So, thank you for sharing with me, I am a very determined person and I am sure that this is what has kept me going, or you could call it bloodymindedness!! I will not give in, and as long as I have my partner behind me I too am a fan of xeloda,