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Scared_Mum's avatar
10 years ago

Update on Nat

Hi everyone I haven't posted for a while I have been struggling with my other two attention seeking daughters that need a good smack lol They are talking to canteen councilors now and getting help.

Any way up date on Nat,  after we saw the medical oncologist, he scared the crap out of me with stats but was reassuring at the same time,  she had a week off from Doctors appointments phew!!  felt like a holiday lol.

She started Chemo on Nov 11 had a couple of days of period type pain and a bit tired (all to be expected) we thought yah! this chemo is not as awful as they say mmm we were sadly mistaken, week 2 1/2 (her chemo is every 3 weeks ) she ends up in hospital 39 degree temp yep she has febrile neutropenia ( I rock the mask and gown just saying lol ) and severely dehydrated she has been in there for five days now she has been poked and prodded and scanned even had a lumbar puncture and nope cant find the infection it is hiding ugg they said she hadn't been drinking enough to flush it out so they are hydrating her (ner ner should listen to your nagging mother haha). Because her neutrophils dropped so quick she will now be  on an injection the day after her chemo to prevent this from happening again.

Yep this mum is emotionally and mentally exhausted :'( this week Nat has been in hospital I had to be in there early to see the docs on their rounds, my son graduated from high school that I had to attend (of course) and had his formal last night (which I had to be there to help him get ready, he look very dapper ) all in this week I wish there was another me or an ex husband that gave a shit would be nice, any way enough of my winging.

Big hugs everyone

Cheers Sue xx  

  • Good morning I hope you have a rest soon. I'm always.  amazed how mums just keep going like the energised bunny.I know it is hard to take time for yourself but you need to look after yourself as well Take carex

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hi Sue, neutropenia sucks, along with solitary confinement in hospital and all that goes along with it. Glad that your family are accessing counselling. Hoping that you're feeling better soon. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????

  • Thanks Tracey,

    solitary confinement was the worse she didn't care for the first few day days, when she stated to wake up a bit it hit her and her hair stated failing out at the same time I was able to brush out a lot of the hair with out her knowing, till we got home and she saw herself in the mirror well that was not a great couple of hours while she uncontrollably sobbed (her first sign of cancer sucks so it was good?)

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Oh dear, she is having a time of it. Check in with the oncology unit as to where the closest "Look good, feel better" workshop is available. They are run by volunteers who teach you how to look after your skin and how to do your make up while dealing with hair loss. They give you lovely cosmetics that are donated for the ladies. They also demonstrate wigs and how to wrap scarves and hats. The workshops are a lot of fun, and she could take you along as a support person. Sending you a double cuddle, Trace ????????

  • Thanks Tracey, I spoke to her social worker today and she will book Nat into the next one (thanks for the tip )  I think it sounds like a great course.

    We so need a lesson on wrapping scarves I totally fail at that lol I bought her a pre made one today so she can go out in public lol

    Thanks for the cuddle I need one today xxx

  • Hi type in how to tie scarf on the internet, that's what I did and there are lots of demos.

    I liked wearing a scarf as I liked different colours it made me feel betterxx

  • Thank you Rowdy I have been doing that tonight, so I can try tomorrow if she is in a good mood lol mood swings uggg But I need her to feel better about having no hair till her wig arrives.