12 years agoMember
Life House Centre at RPA, Sydney
I had my 3rd chemo today at the new Chris O'Brien Life House Centre at RPA in Sydney. This is the second week it has been open and it is absolutely amazing! What an incredible legacy for Chris O'Brien. It is a building largely made of glass and there are many floors. It has operating theaters, clinics, wig salon, a gorgeous lounge for relaxing, cafe, many different classes from nutrition to QiGong, yoga, meditation, mindfulness and many more. Most of these are free!
I actually enjoyed my day there today and I feel very lucky that I could experience such an incredible place. It truly is state of the art. As for my chemo, it went fine.
For the first time, they couldn't get the needle in, but when they tried a different vein it was ok. I didn't have to have Kytril for nausea, as all the medicine is now in the IV!! So here I am at home, tired but wide awake, but feeling just fine.
I hope all,you other ladies having treatment are doing ok also.
Sending out lots of hugs xoxoxo Robyn!! :)