15 years agoMember
The Brimbank Breast Cancer Support Group held its first meeting on Thursday 2 September. I am the facilitator of the group. There were 10 attendees, 6 of whom (including myself) were in remission f...
Dear Peta
You are most welcome! We meet on the first Thursday of every month at the
Delahey Community Centre, 80 Copperfield Drive, Delahey - 7-8pm. The next one will be on 7 October. Please do come - we'd love to have you. The centre is not very far from where you are - it's just up Kings Road in St Albans - going towards Watergardens shopping centre. You go up for a bit and then turn left at Hume Road (the last turn left before the shopping centre) and Copperfield Drive is the first turn left.
At the next meeting we are all going to bring a hat (Cup Day being 2 November - our meeting is on 4 November) so get yourself something you've either bought or made and bring it with you and we'll have a showing!