15 years agoMember
disappointment :(
Hi Girls,
Well I'm feeling pretty shattered at the moment I had arranged my first mini field/and information stand for next weekend at our local home and leisure show-They have just cancelled it du...
thanks girlies OK things havent gone to plan and I have been run off my feet working 7 days a week for the last month.I know I cant beat my self up about this and sometimes its the small things that matter.Was interviewed by the paper a couple of days ago and they spoke about the BCNA , mini fields that my breast care nurse organized and my personal story so was happy about that.My work had a Girls night in last friday and even though I didnt organize it and I worked the night it was great because I put out some of the women,wore my bcna shirt and got talking to a couple of ladies due to the shirt(they asked me what size I was wearing lol) and I think well you know what if I help one person in any way thats all that matters.This lady is now going to be coming along and meeting my fellow girlies at our support group.
My "weekend boss" she owns a trendy cafe and catering company spoke to me today and she wants to do another girls night in and thinking about making it a regular thing and wants BCNA to be who she supports-oh yes she loves me and all that I do for her lol.
So yes I have been bitterly disappointed and feel like I'm not doing enough compared to everyone else but I know every little bit counts in the big picture.
Thank god I have you guys to sort me out lol XXXXXXXX