@Siewli we all understand your anxiety in wanting your treatment to start, but as mentioned above, your team need to know exactly what they need to treat. There are many different types, as well as the grade and stage of breast cancer, and each requires a different plan. Just like say, bears. If a zoo is told they're getting a pair of bears and they start preparing for the arrival of grizzly bears. They get in huge stocks of the type of food that they eat, and plan the enclosure for them. Then the truck arrives with a pair of pandas which only eat bamboo, or polar bears who don't eat berries and vegetation, but who need nice fat seals, arrives.....Just as the needs of bears differs, so too the treatment of your particular cancer. They have to clearly identify it, then treat it. Some get chemo first then surgery, others surgery then chemo. Then there are those who don't even need chemo at all. Some get radiotherapy...others not. Some a full mastectomy, others lumpectomy....and other variations of treatments and the sequence of events. Use this waiting time to perhaps cook and freeze some meals and also to move items in cupboards and wardrobes to middle shelves as it's likely you'll find reaching up to get the coffee or whatever will be easier without stretching after surgery. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best with your treatment.