Forum Discussion

KS35's avatar
8 years ago

My Journey Begins

Hi everyone I am a 35 yr old that has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am scheduled to have a mastectomy in just over a weeks time. I am still in the processing stage and am feeling numb today. I am wanting to share my journey for 2 reasons. 1 to get some advice and help from others and 2 that maybe my story can help someone like me in the future. I look forward to connecting with you all :) trying to stay positive!! 
  • Welcome to the site. The beginning is so hard, so much to take in, so many tests and waiting on results. As much as I didn't want surgery I  felt my 20 day wait for my bilatetal mastectomy an eternity. I kept busy by planning and researching hats,  scarves, wigs etc as I knew I was having chemo. I also had a farewell boobie party. Thrown at last minute...boobie food a must and dress up preferred. It was a good day. I wrote a poem farewelling my breasts for a job well done but time to be retired. 

    Ask anything you want. No question too silly. Kath x
  • I found keeping a journal very useful, I did it just on my computer. 5 years on I still write in it occasionally, one of the good things about reading back is how much I have almost forgotten! You think it's seared on your brain for life and some of it will always be with you (the good as well as the bad) but some will just pass. Best wishes.
  • Oh the memories..... around may last year aged 43 I was writing my very first post on this forum too (just click on any ones name on here then click on discussions and you will be able to read anyone’s first post too)  and like many others I have been able to come out the other side of what can be a shitty time. As you read about us all on this forum a breast cancer diagnosis is always a shock, it happens at the most inconvenient of times, many have no family history, many with families, some are single, there’s also some who have been pregnant at the time of diagnosis, and some are even blokes just to mention a few examples. There are also ones who are famous who may or may not be anomalously on this forum Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate that’s for sure but I can tell you lovely that no matter what your circumstances are you can come on here for all your questions, advice, rants, bitching, complaining, and what ever else you need as there is always someone to listen. And during your bc journey (fuck I hate that cliche word lol ) no matter how short or long that might be you will be able to advise others too. there will be days when you don’t feel strong, and when you’re fucked off with it alll, and days when you just want to crawl under the doona and cry all day, and then there will be days when you make jokes, feel like nothing will get in the way and tell the world you are doing great. Rest assured though you will find the biggest set of hairy balls that you never knew you had  need to fight this mother fucker and win. Biggest hug. Margie xxx
  • It's a crazy time, those early days @KS35....once you get into the treatment regime (whatever that will be) you'll feel a sense of control coming back.

    It's good to be positive but also let yourself have the bad sad days - it's all normal. Big hugs x
  • Another young woman. I'm sorry. It's an overwhelming time at diagnosis. As has been mentioned, you will get swept along in a tidal wave of treatments with hardly any time to process it all. Once you start treatment, though, you will feel more in control. You will amaze yourself with your own strength, and we will be here to support you too. Diagnosis and treatment is life changing, yes, as you are forced to think about life, but not all the changes are bad. Treatments are unpleasant, but doable. You will feel better once you know what your treatment plan is. Xxxooo
  • Thank you ladies for all your support, it really means a lot. There is so  much I didn't say in my first post that you ladies have commented on which relates to me and it is very comforting. So I had the horrible conversation of feeling my children on Monday (B15 G9 G5) which I had been stressing over for days......they were so good with it, I was so surprised!!! I think I was trying to protect them too much....They had some great questions and are being very strong about it.  Now time to focus on surgery on Monday, however feeling very unprepared for it all. Time to research - a friend said "knowledge is power" so taking that on board and I will google away. I'm sure i'll be back soon with some questions if that is ok? Once again thank you all for your amazing support you have given a stranger in need xx talk soon
  • Avoid Dr Google  it will do your head in. Use the search facility within the BCNA site for actual information 
  • Hi there lm 5 years down the track and l can say good bad and better days. But you get there changed yes but alive and breathing the air. This site will be like a best friend a great place to ask and complain and laugh with us. Welcome friend xx