Finish Line

Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
edited October 2014 in Day to day

Ok so what do I do, go back to work or just enjoy this period of recuperation of energy and mending my body from BC? I have income protection so I don’t financially have to return but I do have to fill out forms to prove why I cannot start work. It’s a hard one. What do I do? I feel a cheat. Am I? Or is it the most sensible thing to do and just recover and go back to work in the new year?

I have over the long haul of last 11 months having a broken humerous and then BC with 3 operations and 5 months of chemo and 25 daily zappings of radiation two infections and still doing herceptin every 3 weeks. I have lost both breasts and my hair, my confidence and concentration.

Most days I feel good but every 2 days of doing normal stuff I just collapse in a heap on the 3rd and if I get out of bed all I am capable of doing is watching DVD’s but have no concentration what so ever. Making a choice and then the huge job of putting the DVD into the machine is sometimes too much so I just watch telly or stare into space. For a few days after my herceptin I will spend at least one day in tears. I have now identified with it’s the “herceptin” and have two days of very bad bone aches. Extreme hot flushes and just in general very off colour.

I am at high risk for reoccurrence

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated

Hope everyone is travelling well and here comes “summer”




  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    You have had a long,hard time of it,over the last several months.I think that you should definitely wait until the new year.Concentrate on getting your health back,rest when you need to,eat well and nourish your body.Enjoy the summer months at your own pace,and when the new year comes,I bet you will feel a lot more like getting back into your ' new normal'.I have been in awe of you Sarah,these past few months.I feel that you have been very strong at times when the going has been terribly tough.Look after yourself and I look forward to your next post about how you spent the summer!!!!! Cheers xoxRobyn
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    You have had a long,hard time of it,over the last several months.I think that you should definitely wait until the new year.Concentrate on getting your health back,rest when you need to,eat well and nourish your body.Enjoy the summer months at your own pace,and when the new year comes,I bet you will feel a lot more like getting back into your ' new normal'.I have been in awe of you Sarah,these past few months.I feel that you have been very strong at times when the going has been terribly tough.Look after yourself and I look forward to your next post about how you spent the summer!!!!! Cheers xoxRobyn
  • HelenJill
    HelenJill Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2015


    Income Protection is meant for this. My advice is to view Income Protection in a positive light and be grateful that you are able to take the extra time you need and deserve to get yourself and your health as good as you can before returning to work. In the long run both you and your work will benifit from you taking the extra time.

    Income Protection is a valuable insurance policy meant to be accessed at this time in your life.


  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Thank you so much, how lovely and really need that type of wisdom.

  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Helen and best wishes for your journey.

  • Susan Linda
    Susan Linda Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2015
    You are more than entitled to income protection. Look after yourself and enjoy a few more months of recovery. You need to put yourself first and regain some of your energy and enthusiasm before returning to work.

    Enjoy sometime in the sunshine.


  • Susan Linda
    Susan Linda Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2015
    You are more than entitled to income protection. Look after yourself and enjoy a few more months of recovery. You need to put yourself first and regain some of your energy and enthusiasm before returning to work.

    Enjoy sometime in the sunshine.


  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Susan

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    I think you've answered your own question- you are not ready to go back,both physically and mentally.Don't think of yourself as a cheat,far from it,you've been through the mill and deserve the time to recover fully.Be kind and compassionate to yourself as you would to friend in the same position.A brush with cancer can often make you take stock of your life.After my second bout of bc,I decided to leave work and move house.This reduced my stress and gave me more time to spend with family. Just do what feels right for you for now.I'm sure you'll know when it's time to return to work.Big hug,Tonya xx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    I think you've answered your own question- you are not ready to go back,both physically and mentally.Don't think of yourself as a cheat,far from it,you've been through the mill and deserve the time to recover fully.Be kind and compassionate to yourself as you would to friend in the same position.A brush with cancer can often make you take stock of your life.After my second bout of bc,I decided to leave work and move house.This reduced my stress and gave me more time to spend with family. Just do what feels right for you for now.I'm sure you'll know when it's time to return to work.Big hug,Tonya xx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    I think you've answered your own question- you are not ready to go back,both physically and mentally.Don't think of yourself as a cheat,far from it,you've been through the mill and deserve the time to recover fully.Be kind and compassionate to yourself as you would to friend in the same position.A brush with cancer can often make you take stock of your life.After my second bout of bc,I decided to leave work and move house.This reduced my stress and gave me more time to spend with family. Just do what feels right for you for now.I'm sure you'll know when it's time to return to work.Big hug,Tonya xx
  • jennywren
    jennywren Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2015
    hi Sarah, I am in a similar position to you, feeling a bit guilty taking time off work and claiming income protection when I could potentially be at work.

    3 yrs ago when I was first diagnosed, I took some time off for surgery but worked through most of my chemo and all my radiation. I used all my sick leave, annual leave and long service leave and made no claim on the income protection I have through my super.

    Recently I had a recurrence in my mastectomy scar and found my cancer was now advanced having spread to my skin and more lymph nodes. Having advanced BC has affected me quite differently than EBC. I am so fatigued and often have to sit and rest or take an afternoon nap. Emotionally I am up and down like a roller coaster and don't feel I am in the right head space to be at work. My oncologist fully supports this and has signed me off until the new year, but because I am not having radiotherapy or chemo and have only changed my hormone therapy and started a new clinical trial I feel guilty for being off work!!! So I totally understand how you feel.

    However, I am listening to my body for the first time in a long time, and am taking this time off for ME!

    When I feel ready I will return to my stressful managerial role....but only when I feel ready.

    Much love xx
  • jennywren
    jennywren Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2015
    hi Sarah, I am in a similar position to you, feeling a bit guilty taking time off work and claiming income protection when I could potentially be at work.

    3 yrs ago when I was first diagnosed, I took some time off for surgery but worked through most of my chemo and all my radiation. I used all my sick leave, annual leave and long service leave and made no claim on the income protection I have through my super.

    Recently I had a recurrence in my mastectomy scar and found my cancer was now advanced having spread to my skin and more lymph nodes. Having advanced BC has affected me quite differently than EBC. I am so fatigued and often have to sit and rest or take an afternoon nap. Emotionally I am up and down like a roller coaster and don't feel I am in the right head space to be at work. My oncologist fully supports this and has signed me off until the new year, but because I am not having radiotherapy or chemo and have only changed my hormone therapy and started a new clinical trial I feel guilty for being off work!!! So I totally understand how you feel.

    However, I am listening to my body for the first time in a long time, and am taking this time off for ME!

    When I feel ready I will return to my stressful managerial role....but only when I feel ready.

    Much love xx
  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited March 2015

    I have just returned to work this week it was hard but for me it was time to try to go back. It is your decision when you go back listen to your body and your head only you know when it is right. As women we always put everyone else first and us last, this whole experience has shown me that I need to put myself first more., so even though I have returned to work. if I wake up and dont feel up to going then I will not be going, so try and relax and dont feel guilty, you have nothing to feel guilty about, you are important keep smiling and take carex

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited March 2015

    I have just returned to work this week it was hard but for me it was time to try to go back. It is your decision when you go back listen to your body and your head only you know when it is right. As women we always put everyone else first and us last, this whole experience has shown me that I need to put myself first more., so even though I have returned to work. if I wake up and dont feel up to going then I will not be going, so try and relax and dont feel guilty, you have nothing to feel guilty about, you are important keep smiling and take carex