
Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed
Hi every one. I'm Sandra and have been diagnosed with DCIS in June. It cut the story short I had a partial mastectomy in July and I am lining up for a full mastectomy and immediate reconstruction on the 23 rd of this month. I'm in a bit of a mess. I think I have been refusing to really face things until now and the anxiety and lonely feelings have hit with a vengeance. Asking for help is really hard but if there is a shoulder to cry on I would be very grateful.


  • Ann1e
    Ann1e Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sandra.  I have been diagnosed with DCIS in August, and have had 2 lumpectomies in the last 3 weeks to remove the DCIS.  I also had 2 spots of evasive cancer, and will be seeing an oncologist on Thursday to discuss chemo.  I am terrified, not knowing what lies ahead.  I can truelly understand how stressful this has to be for you.  Just know that you are not alone, and that the lovely ladies of this group are very supportive, and will be with you every step of the way.  I have had most of my questions answered, and it is a great place where you can just cry, be anxious and scared and everyone will understand.  My shoulder is available.  xx

  • Ann1e
    Ann1e Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sandra.  I have been diagnosed with DCIS in August, and have had 2 lumpectomies in the last 3 weeks to remove the DCIS.  I also had 2 spots of evasive cancer, and will be seeing an oncologist on Thursday to discuss chemo.  I am terrified, not knowing what lies ahead.  I can truelly understand how stressful this has to be for you.  Just know that you are not alone, and that the lovely ladies of this group are very supportive, and will be with you every step of the way.  I have had most of my questions answered, and it is a great place where you can just cry, be anxious and scared and everyone will understand.  My shoulder is available.  xx

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    You have come to the right place to get you through this anxious time.One year ago,I was exactly where you are now.I had NEVER been in hospital in my life,and to say I was terrified is an understatement.Every minute of my day I was in fear,and I couldn't get it out of my head.I was sleeping terribly,and pretty sure that my life was coming to an end!!!Then I joined this blog.Other ladies were quick to reply to me,and I started to listen to what they had to say.I slowed down,and tried hard to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME.Instead of being scared of surgery,I began to prepare for it.I bought my front opening nighties,rearranged things at home to bench height(for things that I used daily)books from the library for hospital,and so on. When the day finally came,of course I was scared witless,but everyone was lovely,and before I knew it,it was over,and not as bad as I had imagined.And then,and only then,I started to prepare for the next step.Throughout this journey,things can change unexpectedly,so if you can just prepare in little steps,for the road ahead,I am positive you will find it a tiny bit easier.If you have any questions,just put them up here.All the ladies on here have great ideas,and all so different.We are here 24/7 so there is no need to feel lonely.I used to come on here at 3 and 4 in the morning,as a lot of ladies do.Feel free to message me at any time.Take care xxxRobyn
  • Sandybeach
    Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    thank you so much for your care and concern. I certainly will message you. I had a massive panic attack yesterday and again today so I've had to postpone my surgery for now and get well. I'm trying hard to tell myself that the attack wasn't my fault and that I'm not just weak. Hopefully I'll believe it soon. Many thanks
  • Sandybeach
    Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    Thank you so much for your care and concern. I certainly hope things go well for you. Xxx
  • Sandybeach
    Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    I am starting to feel a little better now. I would love to come to one of your events when I am able. Talking face to face certainly has it advantages even though I've found so much comfort communication on line with you lovely ladies. I have had postpone my surgery for a couple of weeks, but have now found a caring GP who understands my circumstances with Parkinson's disease etc. and is prepared to help my coordinate all the other specialists that I am consulting. Things will only improve from here. Cheers.
  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sandra,
    I was diagnosed with dcis at the end of April. I had a lumpectomy at the end of May and have so far had 4 lots of chemo. First of all I wanted to say it's ok to feel anxious, scared and lonely. It is terrifying. I seem to go along ok and then completely fall in a heap for a day and then I pull myself together again. That was until last week. It was a dreadful week. I howled every day, felt hopeless and wanted it all to stop. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I then jumped on this website and realised that it is all part of the process. Get support any which way you can. Be kind to yourself and just remember that there ARE going to be times that it's all too overwhelming and that is natural. For me, due to some other existing health issues, treatment hasn't been straight forward or easy but I'm getting through it. And that's the thing to keep in mind. You will get through it. There has been positives for me in this awful process. Take each day as it comes. Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to and if you don't understand, ask them to explain it again in a different way. I tell my medical team everything. They have been able to help with many things that I thought were silly. I hope your anxiety abates for you and you are able to progress in the process. Take care and remember you're not alone. Xoxox
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sandra, firstly, welcome to this group of amazing women! We are so glad you found us! A BC diagnosis is a terrible shock, and the treatment process is very scary indeed so no wonder you are feeling anxious. It can also be a very lonely time, as no-one seems to understand what we're going through. It would be lovely to meet you at one of our get-togethers one day and for you to join our private and secure Chat Room on Facebook if you are interested. We have 167 members in our Chat Room, and it is full of very caring and friendly women of all ages who have marched down his road before you, some who are having treatment now and others who are about to start treatment. I'm sure they would love to "meet" you in the Chat Room! :) Here is the link if you are interested:

    We also have a public Facebook Page where we advertise our get-togethers too. Here is the link:

    We also advertise our get-togethers on this site too!

    I'm wishing you all the best for your surgery on Tuesday Sandra and please know that there are plenty of shoulders to cry on in our group xxx

    Take care, Celeste

  • Sandybeach
    Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    Thank you Cellbird. I did try to use the Facebook chat room last week but didn't get far. My technology skills seem to be very limited. Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.
  • Sandybeach
    Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    Thank you to the lovely ladies that organised today's get together. I'm sorry but no names have really stuck in my head yet. It was so lovely to meet you all. You all amaze me with your courage and positive attitudes. Best wishes to you all for the future. Cheers Sandra
  • Sandybeach
    Sandybeach Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2015
    Thank you to the lovely ladies that organised today's get together. I'm sorry but no names have really stuck in my head yet. It was so lovely to meet you all. You all amaze me with your courage and positive attitudes. Best wishes to you all for the future. Cheers Sandra