What's on your mind?
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The winter edition of The Beacon and The Inside Story magazines are now available to read online.
The theme for this issue is ‘What's on your mind’. You’ll find some interesting stories from women about the impact breast cancer has had on their lives, journeys of self-discovery, humour and life lessons learned along the way.
I wanted to make special mention to the ‘Profiling our online groups’ article on page 13, which features our very own online network champ Louise Turner and the 'Breast reconstruction' online group that she facilitates with Janey235, SamzRusty and mum2jj. The online group is now 500 strong and provides support and resources to those who are planning breast reconstruction following a mastectomy or partial mastectomy.
Keep up the great work your are doing (Louise Turner, Janey235,SamzRusty & mum2jj) in this online group - You now get a gold star :-)
More information
- Download the latest issue of The Beacon or The Inside Story
- If you are seeking support and information in the lead up to or after your reconstruction you can join the ‘Breast Reconstruction' online group
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. What a great story about Louise and the breast reconstruction group. She works tirelessly hunting down research and supporting women. It has been a privilege to work with her in the small way I do helping facilitate the group.
Paula0 -
Hi Paula (mum2jj) - Louise is a champ but don't underestimate the important work that you and the other facilitators are doing in this group and other facilitators of groups within the online community. Keep up the great work! I know there are 500 members who are receiving support that they otherwise might not have. So a big thank you!
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Thanks. I actually really enjoy it. It's nice to give back sometimes after he being so well supported by this great website.
Paula0 -
Hey Daina, thanks for bringing the Beacon to my attention. I have sent a message to the girls of Perth/WA group to register for a copy of download it online. I luv receiving my copy in the mail and I sit down and read it from front to back with much interest.
Congratulations Louie for your great article. When was that picture taken?? It looks like a really lovelu happy time. I hope things are going well for you and your group. You certainly have some fantastic pink sisters helping you in Janey, Sam and Paula. I am sure it is a lot of ongoing work to keep such a great informative group and you are all doing such a wonderful job keeping us women informed. I may be back on there looking for information sometime in the new year with a bit of luck.
Luv all my pink sisters and I wish you all well and that includes you luvly Daina.
Luv always, Mich xoxooxoxxo
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Ohhh, thanks Mich - what a lovely message. I will make sure to tell Jeanie Watson 'the lovely Beacon magazine editor' (amongst a lot of other things she does).
Responding on behalf of Louise - I think this photo was pre diagnosis. Great shot isn't it :-)