Let's get some things happening!

Hi Ladies,
My name is Wendy (WendyMac) and I'm one of the admins for this online group. I've been a bit quiet since Jane (Janey235) made me an admin as I've had a lot going on with moving house and many other things.
Now though, things are starting to slow down and I want to get some things organised because if I don't I might just start getting stuck in a big rut!
I'm wondering if you would like to share where you live? I am in St Kilda and would be happy to organise get togethers anywhere around here and into the city - even inner 'burbs to north, west or east.
Another thing, as I find this website such a clunky way to communicate, I am wondering if everyone's on Facebook and whether a Facebook page might be easier? - Could do both, I just find this a really cumbersome site to use, which doesn't encourage participation!!
Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi Wendy - good to hear from you. Just wondering if you got my reply to your recent message or not? I'm Pam, a'dinner' admin post-Janey, and I live in Collingwood. I'd offered to organise dinners in the city because lunches don't work for me (I work full time from home). I'd posted a note here a few weeks ago re dinner near Flinders St Station, and had a few people who were interested. I've been out of touch for the past couple of weeks because of back problems. So I was going to suggest Tuesday September 23, around 6pm at Feddish, at Fed Square. It's Italian-style, has lots of space between the tables, and is not too noisy. I've had a couple of dinners with BC ladies there, and it worked well. So would that date work for you and the other ladies who have already responded? Just re your suggestion about Facebook. I'm not really a user, but let's see what everyone else thinks. Best wishes, Pam
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Hi Wendy and Pam, I am not on Facebook, so that would not work for me. As for the 23rd, I'm afraid I have a work meeting on that night, so if that date suits others, I will have to give it a miss. Almost any other week night in September would be fine.
I live in East St Kilda and work in Sandringham so the city works well for me as a location.
I do look forward to catching up with people some time. I have been crazy busy at work so not posting at all lately but do still check in to this site every now and then to see how people are going.
Viv0 -
Hi Wendy and Pam, I am not on Facebook, so that would not work for me. As for the 23rd, I'm afraid I have a work meeting on that night, so if that date suits others, I will have to give it a miss. Almost any other week night in September would be fine.
I live in East St Kilda and work in Sandringham so the city works well for me as a location.
I do look forward to catching up with people some time. I have been crazy busy at work so not posting at all lately but do still check in to this site every now and then to see how people are going.
Viv0 -
Hi Viv - good to hear from you. September 23 may not suit Wendy now either, so let's look at another date. What about Monday September 22? (I can't do later that week; otherwise it would need to be October for me). Pam
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Hi Pam & Viv
I did get your message Pam (thought your name was Daisy!!), and responded to you. I assume you got it.
How are you Viv? Yeah, I know everybody isn't on facebook, it was just a thought, and wouldn't exclude anybody either way.
Sept 22 would be okay for me Pam. :-)
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Hi, I don't know what my availability is like for September around 20th onwards - My birthday is 21st and I have some people coming to visit, just don't know yet exactly when they are arriving and how long they'll be hanging around for!
Lunches are usually ok for me, but now as I'm job hunting I may not be able to come if I get a job soon (fingers crossed!)
Once I get dates sorted out within my little world I'll be able to let you know. Great to see something happening again!
From Bobbie
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I have no idea why my reply posted so many times! Can an admin / facilitator please delete all but one? Thanks. I'm unable to delete them myself.
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Hi Bobbie - thanks for your reply. Let's see how we go with numbers for this date - we can always schedule another dinner in October or November. Good luck with the job hunting! Pam
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Hi all, 22nd works for me, though would be great to catch up with you Bobbie too. Good luck with your job hunting. Have you moved Wendy? I walk down Westbury at least once a week and keep meaning to give you a ring and catch up. I'm good but busy. Had my right breast reduction a few weeks ago to match my left reconstruction and am so happy with the result.
Viv0 -
Hi Viv - just realised we met at one of Janey's lunches. You gave me the Dragon Boat Racing brochure, but I have to admit I'm too fond of my tea/toast/Sudoku/cats in bed at the weekend to venture out on a Sunday morning. So glad to hear you're happy with the result of the breast reduction. Getting a 'matching pair' seems to be a bit difficult sometimes! Best wishes, Pam.
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Hi Bobbie,
It looks like you were faster than the computer and you comment posted multippppplllleeee times ;-) No problems though as I have deleted them for you now.
Daina0 -
Hi girls. I live 2 hours away and work 3 days a week so lunch was better for me. I will keep an eye out for future dates as I would live to meet face to face. I too get frustrated regarding navigating this site. Hence I'm not here much. I'm much more prone to use facebook as it's easier to keep up. Thanks for your organising0
Thanks for letting us know Lisa. Best wishes, Pam
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I can now happily report that I am working full time (wooo!) and so won't be able to make lunches at all, unless they are on a weekend.
Dinners from about 6pm onwards are ok. I will have to occasionally work til 7pm but I should know well in advance when that's happening.
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I can now happily report that I am working full time (wooo!) and so won't be able to make lunches at all, unless they are on a weekend.
Dinners from about 6pm onwards are ok. I will have to occasionally work til 7pm but I should know well in advance when that's happening.