
Sadna Member Posts: 18
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed
Hello All,

I was diagnosed with stage 2/3 breast cancer last Tuesday, seeking a local support group.

Happy Easter!



  • marionmcmurray
    marionmcmurray Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sadna
    All of us ladies in this group have been where u are today. Best thing for you to to remember is keep strong through all this and you will get through it!
    Keep Strong!!
  • Sadna
    Sadna Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015
    Hi Marion,
    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, so many affected, yet journeys are quite different. I just want it out and get with the chemo etc...I'm not very good at sitting still :) meet my surgeon am so hoping he has some time frame in mind.

    I hope you are well and in good place. Hope to make it to your next catch up.

  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Hi to all,

    I was just diagnosed with breast cancer at 7pm on Thursday just before a long weekend.  Have sat with this for nearly 48 hours and feeling lost and helpless.  I just want Monday to roll on so I can find a breast surgeon and find out more.  The wait is terrifying me.



  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Hi to all,

    I was just diagnosed with breast cancer at 7pm on Thursday just before a long weekend.  Have sat with this for nearly 48 hours and feeling lost and helpless.  I just want Monday to roll on so I can find a breast surgeon and find out more.  The wait is terrifying me.



  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Hi to all,

    I was just diagnosed with breast cancer at 7pm on Thursday just before a long weekend.  Have sat with this for nearly 48 hours and feeling lost and helpless.  I just want Monday to roll on so I can find a breast surgeon and find out more.  The wait is terrifying me.



  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Hi to all,

    I was just diagnosed with breast cancer at 7pm on Thursday just before a long weekend.  Have sat with this for nearly 48 hours and feeling lost and helpless.  I just want Monday to roll on so I can find a breast surgeon and find out more.  The wait is terrifying me.



  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015
    Hi Rita, waiting is the worst your brain goes into overdrive and you think the worst things, it's only natural it's a whole new thing, but grab it by the throat somehow bc brings out our strength , as Marion said be strong, but it's ok to cry, l had many a cries in the ensuite. Try and keep busy a lot of ladies go crazy and start cleaning, this seems a common thing! I hope we can be here for you . Regards adean
  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Thank you so much for your quick response.  And yes the mind is in overdrive with me telling myself "stop don't go down the path of negativity", at times more successful than others..  I really look forward to being active in this support group as I am the first in my family and friends to get this diagnosis.  So venturing into unchartered grounds.  And also the first time accessing online support/chats, with social benefits. Thanks, Rita

  • Sadna
    Sadna Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015
    Hello Rita,

    I hope that the shock of your recent diagnosis has started to sick in. We never think this is going to happen to us, it's so hard to comprehend.

    I was diagnosed just two days prior to you, with my final results on the Thursday. I have never hated public holidays so much and of course we now have just had another!!

    I met my surgeon on Thursday and I am really happy. I have a small procedure on Monday and then my big op on 13th May. Now I have dates to focus on I feel so much better. As good as you can knowing you have cancer.

    If you want to talk, I'm more than happy to chat.

    My thoughts go out to you, we will get through this, together.

    Best regards,
    Sadna xx
  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Thanks, already feeling so not alone.  I think its the waiting and time thats affecting me, currently having some time off work to get my head around this, but now starting to think i way toomuch time to think. Can not get to the get together on 3 May but will definately get to the next one after.  Thank you for your positivity. Rita x

  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015

    Hi sadna,

    Thanks for your response, and like you I have never hated public holidays before.  Can't believe I am eagerly awaiting Monday to track down a surgeon because of course my GP not in til later in week, so being an impatient person got her to give me a list so I could start phoning on Monday. Like you I need dates, a plan I need action.  

    I'm here to chat as well, this site, this weekend has been my saviour, 

    And your right we will get through this together.


    Rita x

  • JulieM
    JulieM Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Dear All,
    Hi I've read with interest all of the messages and fortunately or unfortunately I am now part of this BC community....I have surgery on Thursday and then? I'm feeling ok and quite calm about everything and know that it's really out of my hands now and I am going to have to stay focused on getting well again, trust myself and my surgeon....
    I am a Women's health nurse at Monash and I feel lucky that I have been diagnosed between mammograms ....I have found that many of my work colleagues haven't had a scan even though they are 50+....I find that quite disheartening .
    My frustration has really been with well meaning friends who are actually overwhelming me and I'm finding it suffocating...so much so that Im retreating...they are making me fearful ....I've never been a why me person .......I'm a why not me sort! I look forward to meeting you all at some stage....
    I am a little scared but I don't want that feeling to dominate me
  • JulieM
    JulieM Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Dear All,
    Hi I've read with interest all of the messages and fortunately or unfortunately I am now part of this BC community....I have surgery on Thursday and then? I'm feeling ok and quite calm about everything and know that it's really out of my hands now and I am going to have to stay focused on getting well again, trust myself and my surgeon....
    I am a Women's health nurse at Monash and I feel lucky that I have been diagnosed between mammograms ....I have found that many of my work colleagues haven't had a scan even though they are 50+....I find that quite disheartening .
    My frustration has really been with well meaning friends who are actually overwhelming me and I'm finding it suffocating...so much so that Im retreating...they are making me fearful ....I've never been a why me person .......I'm a why not me sort! I look forward to meeting you all at some stage....
    I am a little scared but I don't want that feeling to dominate me
  • Sadna
    Sadna Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2015
    Hello Julie,

    Friends & family can be really surprising at a time like this, I have a mix of over helpful to social media messages instead of picking up the phone. Perhaps you could give them the leaflet in My Journey on how to support a friend / colleague. You dont want to offend, but you also want positive friends around you. Or perhaps you meet it head on and say how you feel, gently of course. If we can't be ourselves now, when can we :)

    My ops on the 13th May, I have minor pre op tomorrow. Wishing you the best of luck on Thursday and hope to meet soon.

    Best wishes,
    Sadna x
  • Rita1963
    Rita1963 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015


    And so nice to have made some contact with others in my situation.  I know i am still in first few days but like you feel easily overwhelmed, I have tried to control the first notifications.  And have decided I dont need to talk with everyone I spoke with immediate family and now have left it with that at this moment.  Of course with exception of this site, this is my space with others who will understand me and my emotions.  So guess we are all in this together.  And like you, look forward to meeting everyone..
