Northern Cancer Support Centre

On Wednesday mornings at 10:30am there is a COFFEE AND CHAT group at the Northern Cancer Support Centre where you can come and chat about all different subjects in a fantastic new building or garden setting. I highly recommend it.
More information:
If you have major concerns there are 2 fantastic Counsellors there, one for emotional support - Katie, and the other for medical questions like the one I worried about "Am I going to live?" by Jany (yany). So unique to have two ladies who are there and will talk to you for free, and give you "peace of mind".
Then there is our group, the Survivors, who were the originals from the Coffee and Chat group. They are Janet, Alison, Hazel, Anne, and myself. We go for walks from Seaport on weekends, or catch up for something fun to do. Ask at the NCSC for info on free pilates 6 week course, or the free massage. The centre also holds great writing groups. I have used the centre as a place to sit and read, or have my lunch inbetween appointments. Free carpark! They have many rooms, one has a TV and lounge, it's a home away from home!
The new out door settings are beautiful. A great garden with vegies, a place to chill and relax.
Great library and a positive place to make new friends, and be informed about whats available.
See you there!
X Bel