It is amazing where our Pink Lady appears

Since BCNA began in 1998, on the steps of Parliament House, in Canberra, our Pink Lady has been the image that has linked so many women together.
As the Marketing Manager of BCNA I have heard many stories of how people have been unified through our very powerful logo. I have heard of a woman walking along a beach and seeing another woman wearing a Pink Lady pin and being instantly linked together through their shared experience of breast cancer.
Lyn Swinburne, our inspirational leader, has often said to me the Pink Lady is no one but yet she is everyone, and I really think that is true.
As I enter my fifth year of working at BCNA, I see just how far our Pink Lady has travelled. Not only does she appear around the world as a sign of hope and inspiration she also now makes appearances at the Footy, at netball matches. She is worn by celebrities, she has run from Adelaide to Melbourne, she often makes an appearance at a party or a concert and has event turned into a tattoo !
Just two weekends ago she popped up on high profile Australian golfers as they played the Australian Masters. She was there because Australian Golfer, Michael Curtain and his mates wanted to pay tribute to his mother. These men wearing the Pink Lady pin just shows how far we have come. How special it is that all those affected by this disease can now wear the Pink Lady as a way to show their support.
Our Pink Lady is no longer just a way for a woman to say 'I am a survivor'. It is now a way for everyone to say - yes, breast cancer has affected me and I want to show my support.
I am sure that when Lyn designed our Pink Lady back in 1998 she would never had expected that this little lady would be a symbol of love and support for so many.
I'd really love to hear your stories of occasions you've come across the Pink Lady - whether an everyday experience, or an unexpected encounter.
Post them in your own blog using the 'pink lady' tag, or just tell us in the comments here.
Let's celebrate our Pink Lady in the lead up to the holidays." (just make sure you include a 'pink lady' tag on your own post)