Crawf is off and riding!

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Shane Crawford (legendary Brownlow medalist, BCNA Ambassador and The AFL Footy Show personality) set off yesterday morning on his personal challenge 'Tour de Crawf' ride from Melbourne to Perth in support of BCNA.
Shane was farewelled by fans and supporters at a big pink launch on the banks of the Yarra River in Melbourne. Freezing temperatures did not stop over 400 people attending including Olympic ledgend and breast cancer survivor Raelene Boyle, BCNA CEO Maxine Morand and a range of Channel 9 supporters from The AFL Footy Show, Channel 9 news team and also The Block Melburnians Bec and George.
The Voice’s Michael Paynter warmed the crowds with his performance, Bakers Delight gave away free Pink Buns and Lavazza provided coffee for all.
Crawf is now well into the second day of his 22 day journey (next stop Kerang) which will see him cover 3,600km on his ride to Perth.
This is such a fantastic effort and much needed funds will be raised. My littel girl is up there in the first photo waiting to High Five Shane - she was very excited. It was good to see a sports person doing something so positive.