Just diagonsed

Alex88 Member Posts: 1
edited 2016 16 in Newly diagnosed


I have just been diagnosed with early stage bc am having surgery in 3 days and am finding it difficult to sleep at night at the moment.

Biopsy came back as early stage but Doctor tells me that this is not 100% accurate, this brings me on a huge downer. Every time I feel like I'm starting to cope. The waiting of results is so mentally draining. Now I have to wait another week after surgery to know exactly what is going on.

I'm trying so hard to stay positive but in the middle of the night my mind wonders into dark thoughts.

Any hints or strategies on what I can do would be great.

Thank You



  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited 2015 03

    Hi, I remember being in your very moment and its nearly 12months later, we all cope differently but I think it's only human to think the what ifs. Holding it together for the family especially my girls was hard as I'm a strong woman, many cries in the ensuite, kept myself busy like other ladies told me cleaning every damn thing insight, but it didn't work because. The weight fell of me with inner worry! l focused on the surgery seeing it as my first step and couldn't wait for that day i remember my husband thought i was to excited on the day and had lost my mind for some reason getting the tumour out made me feel better, and then I just was guided by my surgeon. All the info I was given to read never sunk in and I found myself reading it a bit later down the track I could take it in then. Once I had my plan I new where I was going and then felt more in control, if you could say that. Bcna has helped me immensely talking to those who have been there no judgement just great woman and look I'm still using the great site, and I've survived so far. It's true what they say its a journey, hope all goes well for you, let's know how you get on. Regards adean

  • jandy23
    jandy23 Member Posts: 234
    edited 2015 03
    I'm so sorry to hear that you've been diagnosed with BC. It's so scary at first and the not knowing exactly where you stand is the worst part. I remember feeling almost physically sick with fear before going in to get the results after my surgery (which was about 14 months ago). I wish I could give you an easy answer on how to get through that difficult period. I guess all I can say is keep hoping for and expecting things will be okay. There's a good chance they will be. And when I say okay I mean that the cancer is still Early BC. It's still a rough road ahead of course. Chemo and radiation is no picnic (if that's what you need). But in a way it's better to know where you stand, what is going to happen and what you can do to prepare for it.  And of course eventually you get through the other side of it all and life returns pretty much to normal. I know that seems a long way off now, but in all liklihood it will. Hang in there Alex. This site is a great place to voice your fears and anxieties and ask questions of people who've been through or are going through the same thing. Best of luck with your results. My fingers are crossed for you. Janet.
  • Jody
    Jody Member Posts: 32
    edited 2015 03


    I know what you mean you know through my whole ordeal the worst was the waiting.

    I too could not sleep and just went with it until i saw my oncologist and he gave me some tamazipan sleeping tablets very mild and not addictive, it worked well for me.

    Just try to keep yourself busy untill all results come in.

    Thinking of you



  • Norma Ely
    Norma Ely Member Posts: 12
    edited 2015 03

    Sorry to hear about this journey you just started.....I was diagnosed with bc exactly 10 years ago, I had chemo, radio and I'm still on Arimidex.....I'm telling you this just to show that there is hope, keep fighting, don't give up!

    Relaxation helped me a lot  when I couldn't sleep.  I believe exercise is very important  for your body & your mind.

    Myy thoughts are with you, all the best, please keep in touch



  • Norma Ely
    Norma Ely Member Posts: 12
    edited 2015 03

    Sorry to hear about this journey you just started.....I was diagnosed with bc exactly 10 years ago, I had chemo, radio and I'm still on Arimidex.....I'm telling you this just to show that there is hope, keep fighting, don't give up!

    Relaxation helped me a lot  when I couldn't sleep.  I believe exercise is very important  for your body & your mind.

    Myy thoughts are with you, all the best, please keep in touch

