Online Network Update

Hi everyone! Here's the latest news for the online network.
New members
First, a big welcome to all of our new members, especially those of you who found us through some recent promotions of the network such as Meg's interview on Ch 10's The Circle (thanks Meg!), through the Card-maker's Magazine, and through Breast Cancer Awareness promotions. If you're new here and looking for more information on what to do next, you might like to check out the 'Getting Started' information in this blog post:
Also, a big and special welcome to those new members who've shared their very first blog post every here recently, and thanks to everyone who's extended a warm welcome. There's a few of you so I won't mention anyone by name in case I miss someone!
Don't forget if you want to find the latest posts, just visit the 'All blog posts' page.
Member Groups
Our major (and exciting!) news for this update is that we've created a new, special area for Member Groups in the site, to make them easier to find. This has partially come about through some very useful feedback from you all, so thanks to everyone who took the time to tell us how the network was working for you.
If you're a Member Group contact, then we'll be in touch with you directly with more information about how that will work, and how you can even update your Group yourself if you'd like to (how exciting is that?! .
For everyone else, we just want you to know that we'll be separating Member Groups and Online Groups by the end of the week, so there's a new section to go to if you want to search for a face-to-face group near you. Go to Sharing and Support > Find a support group in your area > and click the Search for Groups link.
You'll also notice a drop in the number of online groups as we'll be deleting the temporary Member Groups we set up there.
Online Groups
Once we've separated Member Groups and Online Groups, your online groups will be easier to find. So now is the perfect time to start up that Online Interest Group you always wished existed if you haven't already.
Setting up an Online Group is really easy to do, and any member is able to do it. Just go to your My Groups page, look for the 'create a group' link at the bottom of the page, and fill out the form. It might pay you to do a quick search of Online Groups first to check that there isn't already a group like yours.
And don't forget if you've created a new group to share it with everyone through the Online Group Announcements blog. We'd love to hear all about it:
Currently the team is working on some new functionality for Local Directories and an update to the shop that we hope to have ready for launch before the end of the year. We're also working on making the postcode-related search function for the network work a bit better than it does right now, so that 'search by location' is easier to use.
Changes to the BCNA blog
Now that the Network has grown a bit, we want to use the BCNA blog in a different way -- ie. to provide updates on BCNA and information on breast cancer-related topics. We're also planning some guest bloggers, so watch this space! If there's something in particular you'd like to see blogged about then make a suggestion in the comments. I can't guarantee we'll be able to take them all up but we'd love to hear your ideas.
Further to the above, this is the last of these regular network news updates I'll be making through the BCNA blog, from now on you'll be able to find them in the new Network News blog (click the 'subscribe to this blog' link at the top of the blog list if you'd like a notification when an update is made). Tips will now be posted in the Getting Started blog (which is already the home of our popular 'Get Connected Day' posts) and I'll be making one soon about using tags, so keep an eye out for that
Spam activity
As we've noted before, we do experience some activity by spammers. The online engagement team does a great job of keeping this under control, but you can help us out by clicking the 'report as inappropriate' link if you see any spam posts or comments.
If you receive a personal message from a spammer, use the 'block user' link that is at the bottom of every personal message, and let us know by email to
Please do not respond to posts, comments or messages from spammers and do not give out any personal details. For more information, read this post:
Wow, that was a long update, but that's it from me. Hope you've all had an enjoyable October, and happy Melbourne Cup week to everyone who follows the races!
I have just been dignosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) 3th November after having my firdt mammogram at 50.
I didn't expect this sort of Xmas present.
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I have just been dignosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) 3th November after having my firdt mammogram at 50.
I didn't expect this sort of Xmas present.
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Hi Dols, just wanted to say welcome to the online network -- I'm sure that wasn't the news you wanted, but it's great you found your way here.
One thing you might like to do is make a post in your own blog and it will then show up on the All posts page, which is here: (this post is quite old and I'd hate your 'hi' to get lost). The Getting Started group is also a great place for information if you need it.
Anyway, have a look around and don't hesitate to ask if you need a hand.
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Hi Dols, how are you getting on and have you started treatment yet? I am 6 months ahead of you,
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Hi and welcome , i guess to the club no one want's to join b ut that many don't get a choice.
it's great you are on line and the ladies on here are wonderful goodluck with your treatment and keep us all posted how you go take care Fran