Newby: Hobart

I'm a newby to bcna and cancer, and would love to here from other ladies currently going through the unknown. I would really like to contact someone in this area who needs a hand to hold, or shoulder to lean on like i do.
I found a lump around 10 days ago, now I'm booked in for surgery in 16 days.
I have a lump 6cm x 4cm, how in gods name did I miss that. I had a full check up at Family planning just before Xmas and there was no sigh of anything. 4 months later I have a lump the size of a hard bold egg in my chest.
Well everything is moving very fast, I have an appointment at the Royal on the 29th to meet "The Team". Looking forward to being able to hear the answers to the questions.
Whilst I live in Victoria I understand what it means to be newly diagnosed and just so scared and in shock. I found my lump by accident late in November lying down in bed, with my hands across my chest. I moved my right hand slightly from my sternum across my breast and thought OMG what is that? It was round, hard and definitely did not feel right. But when I sat up couldn't feel it. Any rate gone, had 4 AC chemos and started Taxol and Herceptin.
Make sure when you go to your appointment/s that someone goes with you because there's so much information to take in (I certainly didn't take it in the first time), write down your questions and ask to see a breast care nurse for a follow up information session. Best of luck with everything, cheers. Cheryle.0 -
Hi Suzicu,
My name is Maureen Holland and I am president of Tasmania Breast Cancer
Network. I live in the North of the state so I am not just around the corner from you. I know of a couple of women around Hobart that may be able to phone and talk to you if you are happy for me to ask them to make contact with you. They are trained BCNA Community Liasion women who are there to assist you through your journey and have already had breast Cancer themselves.
I can understand your shock regarding the finding of a lump as My circumstances back in 2008 were very similar. I am now if good health and life is good. All I can suggest is to think of yourself now, go with the flow, be confident and if you feel tired, say so and just go and have timeout and a good snooze. It took me 12months with surgery, chemo & radiation to get through it all, and I look back now and think "did I really go through all that".
I have met somewonderful caring women along the way and thus have become a member of Tas Breast Cancer Network and now I have taken on the position of their President to repay the excellent support I received.
I am sure many of our Tas members will get on line and reply to you.
Hang in there, it is time now for you to take time for yourself, and get through this time.
Maureen Holland
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Hey SuziWelcome to BCNA. I am glad you are finding your way around the site. Do you have a My Journey Kit or have you managed to order one yet. At the bottom of this page you will see a tag - My Journey Kit, just click on there and you can order it from there. It is free and should arrive within the week all being well. I know I found it invaluable throughout my journey. There is a lot of other free resources available to you as well through BCNA.It certainly is a shock when this Breast Cancer diagnosis sneaks up on you and catches you unawares.I am sure you will get to meet some lovely ladies from beautiful Tassie who will be more than willing to support you. Just knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that you have all these other lovely ladies who have been where you are now and understand what you are going through seems to ease the burden a little.Please come on here and ask any questions you may have. We will be here for you. There is sure to be someone who has been there, done it and can help you. We are definitely living proof that you can do this BC journey and come out the other side.Wishing you good luck with your appointments, lots of love, Mich xoxox0
Hey SuziWelcome to BCNA. I am glad you are finding your way around the site. Do you have a My Journey Kit or have you managed to order one yet. At the bottom of this page you will see a tag - My Journey Kit, just click on there and you can order it from there. It is free and should arrive within the week all being well. I know I found it invaluable throughout my journey. There is a lot of other free resources available to you as well through BCNA.It certainly is a shock when this Breast Cancer diagnosis sneaks up on you and catches you unawares.I am sure you will get to meet some lovely ladies from beautiful Tassie who will be more than willing to support you. Just knowing that you are not alone on this journey and that you have all these other lovely ladies who have been where you are now and understand what you are going through seems to ease the burden a little.Please come on here and ask any questions you may have. We will be here for you. There is sure to be someone who has been there, done it and can help you. We are definitely living proof that you can do this BC journey and come out the other side.Wishing you good luck with your appointments, lots of love, Mich xoxox0
Hi I'm in Hobart and am about 6 months post my chemo and radiation. I attend a support group which meets every third Tuesday of the month and have found reaching out to other women has helped me so much. This website has been so much help to answer question which were worrying me. If you have a question ask someone on here will have a answer for you. Meeting some of the ladies at the conference in Launceston was amazing . Take care and wishing you all the best.Deb.0
Hi Cheryle,
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. I am overwhelmed by the response and the invaluable advice everyone has given.
I have most of my questions written down and ready for my appointment at the hospital Monday. Hopefully I will remember to write down the response.
Susan0 -
Hi Maureen,
I am truly inspired by yours and everyone else's posts. The support and friendship that is brought together by such an awful disease is amazing.
I am so glad everything has gone well even though I'm sure it was a long hard road.
I'm sure we will cross paths at some stage, I'll be the loud blonde or bald pommie one.
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Hi Mich,
Thank you! I have ordered My Journey Kit, it was one of the first thing suggested in my BC manual as I call it. Even though I have covered the cover in pretty paper as I do tend to pull it out in public just to check I have a question written down in it so I don't forget Monday.
Keeping my chin up is much easier with support
Susan0 -
Yayyyyy way to go girlfriend!!!! you are on to it!!!!!Lots of love, Mich xoxoxo0
We need a like button on here. Lol0
Hello, I have read your story and I just know that with all the support from the wonderful ladies at BCNA and other survivors, you are going to be just fine!
I was diagnosed in January last year only afer routine mammogram and I have to say I have been one of the lucky ones so far - my lump was quite small and Grade 1 - removed totally with lumpectomy followed by radiation.
I recently had my one year follow-up ultrasound/mammo and everything is clear.
I have another friend going through treatment at the moment and hers was only picked up on mammogram as well, so I spread the word to all women I meet to make sure they have all had their routine mammos - surprising how many had not, and promised to do so.
I also attended the Breast Cancer Conference in Launceston and it was a most interesting and inspiring weekend.
My best wishes go out to you,
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Hello, I have read your story and I just know that with all the support from the wonderful ladies at BCNA and other survivors, you are going to be just fine!
I was diagnosed in January last year only afer routine mammogram and I have to say I have been one of the lucky ones so far - my lump was quite small and Grade 1 - removed totally with lumpectomy followed by radiation.
I recently had my one year follow-up ultrasound/mammo and everything is clear.
I have another friend going through treatment at the moment and hers was only picked up on mammogram as well, so I spread the word to all women I meet to make sure they have all had their routine mammos - surprising how many had not, and promised to do so.
I also attended the Breast Cancer Conference in Launceston and it was a most interesting and inspiring weekend.
My best wishes go out to you,
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Would love to meet you and great if you came to a meeting next one is 3rd Tuesday in May. Do you have contact with a breast care nurse there is usually one at the meetings as well. But with surgery coming up take care and take time to get yourself together this site so good to get some advice as we have all travelled the same path .0
Welcome to a club no-one ever wanted to join. You will be treated magnificently - everyone I have met who looks after BC victims are nothing but kindness and respect.
I am past my chemo and radiation, nearly at the end of 18 Herceptins and then I've only got 4 more years of Arimidex. It's daunting at times, you'll find those are the times you come here and look for answers and just a friendly ear. It's here, there are many wonderful blogs to give you hope and strength.
Feel free t message me any time.
Good luck
much love
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Hi Mich,
My journey kit turned up today. Wow it's fantastic, what a wonderful kit to have and refer to. It has a lot of information in a simple but informative format. I'm sure I will become invaluable over the coming months.