Good Morning everbody.
Its a week today since my surgery (complete local excision,reduction and sentinal node biopsy) and whilst still sore I am feeling quite good today
I just had a quick look at some new blogs and did my first reply to a newly diagnosed lady. I hope i'm not getting ahead of myself but those early dark darks are still very fresh and raw and my heart went out. I said to my hubby there really are a lot of good people around. The same group of women day after day reach out to the newly diagnosed. Even though they could be 5 or more years down the track. Just about everyday someone new comes on this site as I did, scared and looking for someone with a similar storey so that they can get some hope and reassurance. These women reach out and open up and tell their stories everytime as if it was the first time. I cant tell you how much this helped me in those early dark days to take in the inspirational stories and see the hope.
So thankyou everyone...I still have a long road ahead with chemo and radio therapy but I know that there will always be some advice or an sympathetic ear for me here.
lots of love Jo xoxoxo