Forum Discussion

joleeh5's avatar
15 years ago


Good Morning everbody.

Its a week today since my surgery (complete local excision,reduction and sentinal node biopsy)  and whilst still sore I am feeling quite good today

I just had a quick look at some new blogs and did my first reply to a newly diagnosed lady. I hope i'm not getting ahead of myself but those early dark darks are still very fresh and raw and my heart went out. I said to my hubby there really are a lot of good people around. The same group of women day after day reach out to the newly diagnosed. Even though they could be 5 or more years down the track. Just about everyday someone new comes on this site as I did, scared and looking for someone with a similar storey so that they can get some hope and reassurance. These women reach out and open up and tell their stories everytime as if it was the first time. I cant tell you how much this helped me in those early dark days to take in the inspirational stories and see the hope.

So thankyou everyone...I still have a long road ahead with chemo and radio therapy but I know that there will always be some advice or an sympathetic ear for me here.

lots of love Jo xoxoxo

  • Hi there Jo, thanks for your kind words .... you are very welcome, and a big congratulations on joining in.  It doesn't matter how long or short your journey has been to date we all have this common bond and if we can help someone through theirs in some small way then that's a plus.

    Carry on joining in the blogs .... sharing your experiences and lending your own sympathetic ear to others is helping someone else cope with their own journey.

    Just remember, it's early days yet with you ... there is still a long road to travel so make sure not to overdo things.  You are your main priority so take things at your own pace.

    We consider ourselves a family on this site .... all ready to stick our collective noses into every one elses business (that's what families do isn't it ????).  You will get used to my "strange" sense of humour as you get to know me ....I'm sure the others will agree !!!

    Take care and chat soon

    Cheers .... Shirl

  • Thankyou Shirl for your lovely welcome. I know that this site really was my lifeline when I was feeling very bleak. I was given zero information. I would like to "pay it forward" a little if I can. luv Jo

  • Hi Gorgeous Emma...

    Now I dont want to jinx myself but I am great. I heard the sweetest words from my surgeons secretary yesterday...that my pathology results were good fom lymph nodes....hallelujah!!!!!!I know that I still have a huge road with the chemo and radio therapy but am much more positive now...I see the surgeon tomorrow and the breast care nurse so will probably get a date for chemo then. She initally told me 4 weeks so I am guessing around 2-3 weeks time.

    Hehehehehe how did you know that I was scared of the pain killers are so intuitive. I was quite ill on sunday and thought i was probs overdoing it so have cut down, but am handling it well. Hubby went to chemist and they said that the anasthetic can store in the body and come out a few days later..who knew..I never really cope well with the anasthetic...anyhoo touch wood im trying to enjoy while I can. Thanks for being so sweet you really helped me and I will definately keep you updated.

    Love Jo xoxox


  • Awwwwwwwww Jo

    You said the sweetest things in your post.  Great that you are feeling better.  I told you a tough woman like you would sail through the surgery and awesome that your nodes were clear.


    I remember those dark days and nights like they were yesterday and only wish that I could have had the same support that I now give to others (well I do hope that is what i do).  Great that you are paying it forward.  What a wonderful world we would live in if everyone did the same.  Having said that there is a lot of wonderful people in the world and when I was diagnosed I remember thinking that this has happened for a reason and I think for me it is to give someone some hope and inspiration.  I know when I am 20 - 30  even 40 years out I hope to be still doing the same thing.  Mind you I hope to be doing it from my laptop while Shane and I and our kids are travelling the world having an adventure not sitting here at work doing it (lucky I am married to the boss)..

    Take time to rest and we will give you tonnes more advice when we get to chemo, but try not to get too far ahead of yourself.

    Tanya xx