Forum Discussion

marls40's avatar
15 years ago

those so important milestones

after being diagnosed with bcmets in Oct 2008 i made the trek to melbourne to c my oncologist every 3 months. How exciting it was to be told Nov 2009 that we would make my next appointment in march 2010 (extending my time between visits to 4 months). My march visit all ok and we took the plunge & made Oct my next appointment (wow a massive 6 months). I had every faith in my body being able to continue responding to treatment  for those next 6 months. My world was rocked when told that my appointment had to b postphoned for 3 weeks.
How irrational were my feelings of real fear. What real difference did 3 more weeks make?
But i now look on the next 3 weeks with trepidation.
Silly? yes, but totally honest.

  • Hi Marls,  nice to "meet" you.  It's not silly i know how you feel. I had my mastectomy in '06 and am now 12 months apart visits. The 5 year milestone (without secondarys) is next Feb and hopefully I will relax a little then (but never get complacent) If ever I'm worried about anything (headaches etc) I head into my GP and get blood tests etc done for peace of mind so I'm thinking of you now and hope you dont worry too much (like thats going to happen!!) can I recommend a bit of relaxing music and a night-cap as a good nights sleep makes for a good start to the next day. I have a c.d of hypnosis for cancer by Rick Collingwood thats great to sleep too if your open to alternative options, didnt think it was for me but very relaxing. Let us know how you go we are all thinking of you and wish you well.   Kaz

  • Hi Marls,  nice to "meet" you.  It's not silly i know how you feel. I had my mastectomy in '06 and am now 12 months apart visits. The 5 year milestone (without secondarys) is next Feb and hopefully I will relax a little then (but never get complacent) If ever I'm worried about anything (headaches etc) I head into my GP and get blood tests etc done for peace of mind so I'm thinking of you now and hope you dont worry too much (like thats going to happen!!) can I recommend a bit of relaxing music and a night-cap as a good nights sleep makes for a good start to the next day. I have a c.d of hypnosis for cancer by Rick Collingwood thats great to sleep too if your open to alternative options, didnt think it was for me but very relaxing. Let us know how you go we are all thinking of you and wish you well.   Kaz

  • Kaz and Leonie

    I did as u said and spend a wonderful weekend with my 2 sons and daughter in law to be. Eating and drinking our way around Mornington Peninsular. The sun shone on us, the food plentiful and delicious and the wine - well it certainly went down well. Pity i cant do it every weekend, though my waistline might suffer. A day to file away in the memory box.

    Thank you for your well wishes.

  • Kaz and Leonie

    I did as u said and spend a wonderful weekend with my 2 sons and daughter in law to be. Eating and drinking our way around Mornington Peninsular. The sun shone on us, the food plentiful and delicious and the wine - well it certainly went down well. Pity i cant do it every weekend, though my waistline might suffer. A day to file away in the memory box.

    Thank you for your well wishes.