15 years agoMember
those so important milestones
after being diagnosed with bcmets in Oct 2008 i made the trek to melbourne to c my oncologist every 3 months. How exciting it was to be told Nov 2009 that we would make my next appointment in march 2010 (extending my time between visits to 4 months). My march visit all ok and we took the plunge & made Oct my next appointment (wow a massive 6 months). I had every faith in my body being able to continue responding to treatment for those next 6 months. My world was rocked when told that my appointment had to b postphoned for 3 weeks.
How irrational were my feelings of real fear. What real difference did 3 more weeks make?
But i now look on the next 3 weeks with trepidation.
Silly? yes, but totally honest.