moira1 Member Posts: 449
edited November 2011 in Community news and events

Hi everyone,

As part of my Mini-Field of Women I am painting our town Pink for a week, and with our health centre we are having a pink ladies night in our local hall, we are looking for games/ideas to get the ladies chatting and laughing, any ideas on some games/ideas we can do. 


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  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi Moira ... likewise !!!!

    Emily - my lovely stylist who is responsible for the "reds on the head" is having a girls-night-in at the salon on the 1st Oct ... first day of the Breast Cancer month.  We are going to have drinkies, nibblies, games and lots of laughter etc etc as you do - and just have a gold coin donation. 

    One of the blokes at the pub offered his services as a male stripper but had to decline - told him he may not survive the night.

    One thing I thought of - crazy outfit/wig comp, guess pink jellybeans in the jar, (that's actually two isn't it????) - will have to get silly pink prizes to go with the silly pink games!!!

    Went to the paper when I was in town today, the girl I spoke to actually covered the forum when Raelene and Lyn were here so she is keen to do a series of articles.

    Am having an info stand at the street markets here for the first week of the country music fortnight .... so it's all falling in to place.

    Cheers ... Shirl

  • w.a. kaz
    w.a. kaz Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2015

    Have you thought of asking all ladies that are coming to go through their wardrobes and anything they havent worn/outgrown/dont want bring along. Maybe have some girls model them or just have on a rake to recycle and raise more funds.  Also any avon/tupperwear/mary-kay partyplan type of stuff have a display with 5 or 10% of proceeds of goods sold going to your fundraising. I saw this done before with local wines display (lol) free samples to get the girls wallets open. It all depends on the size of your venue but the one I went to had the local belly dancers and tap dancers come in for a quick show. They also charged a gold coin penalty for not wearing pink. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015

    Best decorated bra.......???

  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015

    Best decorated bra.......???

  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Tanya, that should be good for a laugh .... the young ones can get their gear off, we older ones could wear ours on the outside!!!!

    It will be an "all girl" night so the sight of boobs in bras isn't going to shock anyone ,,,,

    Thanks for the input ..... Shirl xx

  • Stevenson Girls
    Stevenson Girls Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hey Moira,

    We are planning a girls night in aswell, and through our brainstorming have thought of a couple more ideas.

    1) Would I lie to you? ~ The game show, in a similar form. The women must each bring an item with an interesting back-story, and try to convince the others that it is a true story. 'Fake' objects will also be placed in, with made-up back-stories, with the women having to convince them in a similar way. If they fool the other ladies, they get a point.

    2) Guess the tune. ~ Off the TV show 'Spicks and Specks', get women's health brochures, and a lady must stand up and attempt to sing a tune to the words from a brochure. Such tunes as 'Girls just wanna have fun', 'barbie girl', etc could be used.


    Hope this helps someone!

  • Stevenson Girls
    Stevenson Girls Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hey Moira,

    We are planning a girls night in aswell, and through our brainstorming have thought of a couple more ideas.

    1) Would I lie to you? ~ The game show, in a similar form. The women must each bring an item with an interesting back-story, and try to convince the others that it is a true story. 'Fake' objects will also be placed in, with made-up back-stories, with the women having to convince them in a similar way. If they fool the other ladies, they get a point.

    2) Guess the tune. ~ Off the TV show 'Spicks and Specks', get women's health brochures, and a lady must stand up and attempt to sing a tune to the words from a brochure. Such tunes as 'Girls just wanna have fun', 'barbie girl', etc could be used.


    Hope this helps someone!

  • Stevenson Girls
    Stevenson Girls Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hey Moira,

    We are planning a girls night in aswell, and through our brainstorming have thought of a couple more ideas.

    1) Would I lie to you? ~ The game show, in a similar form. The women must each bring an item with an interesting back-story, and try to convince the others that it is a true story. 'Fake' objects will also be placed in, with made-up back-stories, with the women having to convince them in a similar way. If they fool the other ladies, they get a point.

    2) Guess the tune. ~ Off the TV show 'Spicks and Specks', get women's health brochures, and a lady must stand up and attempt to sing a tune to the words from a brochure. Such tunes as 'Girls just wanna have fun', 'barbie girl', etc could be used.


    Hope this helps someone!

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