3rd round of chemo

I had my 3rd shot of FEC 5FU and im fine! I was reading storys of it being the worst, but this was my best! Maybe because i had it in Bairnsdale instead of travelling al the way to sale, and the unit is much more pleasant to be in, and lunch was yummy. the drugs went in differently and i was out and home in 4 hrs instead of 6. The nurseing staff were fabulous as well. So definately a positive treatment has a better outcome. Last night i slept well enough, waking every 4 hours for maxillon, i sweated my guts out but no temp, but felt ok. Today i felt well, even went to the supermarket for some chocolate! My next chemo is on the 22nd May and its Dositaxyl, no more "red devil"!! So more user friendly, far less nauseating apparently. See how i go, OH and my red cells have increased!!! even gave my own PEG injection today in my tummy, i was happy with that! Makes me feel in control Hope my buddys here are doing well!! XXXXXXXXXXxxx
I have Docetaxel AKA Taxotere as part of my chemo (TCH - Taxotere, Carboplain and Herceptin) every 21 days, I have had 2 cycles and have another 4 to go.
The main side effects I get are FATIGUE with a CAPITAL F (this cycle- had my chemo 10 days ago and am still spending 95% of my time in bed - I was a bit anaemic (low haemoglobin) before this cycle began so am guessing this is worse and is making my fatigue worse too); Hair loss; Sore tongue etc.
No real nausea, and none at all sicne having the Aloxi before my chemo (that stuff is amazing and lasts for DAYS afterwards (4-5 days I think).
You get to wear lovely ice gloves/ mitts during the taxotere infusion to help prevent damage to the fingernails (I was also given a kit with a nail hardener, soft toothbrush,biotene mouthwash, toothpaste and mouth gel, cotton gloves (to wear under the ice mitts) ,a digital thermometer, and a booklet on taxotere and its side effects etc all in apretty striped toilet/ cosmetics bag when I went to my information session). As nail damage, mouth ulcers and being susceptable to infections are all side effects as well.
Glad that this cycle of chemo went well for you and here is hoping your taxotere does too...
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I have Docetaxel AKA Taxotere as part of my chemo (TCH - Taxotere, Carboplain and Herceptin) every 21 days, I have had 2 cycles and have another 4 to go.
The main side effects I get are FATIGUE with a CAPITAL F (this cycle- had my chemo 10 days ago and am still spending 95% of my time in bed - I was a bit anaemic (low haemoglobin) before this cycle began so am guessing this is worse and is making my fatigue worse too); Hair loss; Sore tongue etc.
No real nausea, and none at all sicne having the Aloxi before my chemo (that stuff is amazing and lasts for DAYS afterwards (4-5 days I think).
You get to wear lovely ice gloves/ mitts during the taxotere infusion to help prevent damage to the fingernails (I was also given a kit with a nail hardener, soft toothbrush,biotene mouthwash, toothpaste and mouth gel, cotton gloves (to wear under the ice mitts) ,a digital thermometer, and a booklet on taxotere and its side effects etc all in apretty striped toilet/ cosmetics bag when I went to my information session). As nail damage, mouth ulcers and being susceptable to infections are all side effects as well.
Glad that this cycle of chemo went well for you and here is hoping your taxotere does too...
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@Shazinoz, forget the ice gloces, use dark/black nail polish and keep it on toes as well.
The drug company advises this as they believe sun is the culprit that destroys the nails.
I made the mistake of going to pale colours 1 month after treament finished and nails turned bad, they had been strong and perfect until then, lost six on the hands and four on the feet
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I don't know if you told this but I was told by my chemo nurse to take the Dex at breaskfast and lunch (No later than 2pm) to stop the wakefulness it causes. This does help. I take 8mg (2 x 4mg tablets twice a day, the day before, day of and day after chemo) and so far (touch wood) Ihaven't had any real issues, with wakefullness etc, provided I don't take the 2nd dose after 2pm.
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Hi Gayle
I have also finished my 3 cycles of FEC. My side effects were totally different from the last cycle than from the previous two.
My next phase will be 3 cycles of Taxotre (whatever other names it also comes under :-) every 3 weeks.
I have been told to take 2 Dexamethasone at 3pm day before and 2 tablets morning of chemo. This is to help aleviate any reactions. I have been told this is meant to be a kinder drug but I will find out on the 9th May and on the days following this..
Wishing you well and hope you still feeling good.
Mich xo
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I take 2 x 4mg Dexamethasone, at breakfast and lunch the day before, the day of and the day after each chemo. I was told not to take my 2nd dose after 2pm because it can keep you awake.
I don't have any real side effects from it, it can still sometimes make sleep difficult, but that is a small price to pay for what it can stop... Allergic reaction and swelling (after the chemo, of legs, arms, abdomen, body, and around heart etc)
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Ah the dreaded chemo farts, honestly thought I had eaten some sort of nuclear power palnt for that smell to come out of me, lol.
3:00 was my wake time, used to be on here and Her2 site last year to chat at that unnatural hour about your deep dark thoughts,
I put on 20kg whilst having TCH and the Dex was horrid, 8 kg fell off after my first month of so don't sweat it too much.
Having ankles the same size as your calves can be a good party trick when you press on the skin and the indentations stay, used to freak folks out,lol.
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Ah the dreaded chemo farts, honestly thought I had eaten some sort of nuclear power palnt for that smell to come out of me, lol.
3:00 was my wake time, used to be on here and Her2 site last year to chat at that unnatural hour about your deep dark thoughts,
I put on 20kg whilst having TCH and the Dex was horrid, 8 kg fell off after my first month of so don't sweat it too much.
Having ankles the same size as your calves can be a good party trick when you press on the skin and the indentations stay, used to freak folks out,lol.
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Oh no the dreaded Cankles (Calfsized ankles),hope I don't get that one <LOL>, sound painful.
I know the farts though - wow,I don't know how that much gas can come out of one body.Mineis worse in the morning (and touch wood) they are not nuclear (or very smelly at all), just copious.
Alsodon't want the weight gain (I need to lose 20+kg to start with,as I have difficulty exercising due to my pre-existing conditions), but have lost 1-2kg so far on TCH mainly becasue of lack of appetite and NO interest in food, and only being able to eat very small portion sizes (often even 1/2 a sandwich is too much).
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Wow... not looking forward to this! But, have to do it. Im coping well this time around, but the Dex does play havoc on my tikka. The heart rate flys a bit, thats annoying, so today ive decided to cease til next time, im onlyon 1/2 tab twice a day, but read Shaz's post about taking it at 2pm, that was at 4pm! lol, so i took one, went to bed at around 11pm, after napping 4 times!! Then awoke at 3am. Its now 6.25am, so i got up at 5 for a cuppa. feel well tho
Hungry, and yes, farting! hahaha. Slight chemical tone to it, but...
Happy on my last blood results, finally some positive change!! Im kickin cancers ass!!! Unsure how many doasge of the Dositaxyl i have, i think 3? 4? My 1st lots on 22 may. This morning my tounges better, i think i have taste back, I'll have some toast and avocado soon, along with SOMAC to help it all go down. The swallowing from chemo is painful if i dont take one!
Isnt it amazing what these drugs do??????????? In order to kill whats killing us, we endure more sufferings! crazy eh!
I bought two pink buns yesterday, but found them very sweet... too sweet!, But glad to see Bakers Delight put that money straight into their tin!