Private or Public?

sapi Member Posts: 2 New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm a newly diagnosed in my late 30's. my cancer is invasive grade 1 in one breast. I have private health insurance but the out of pocket costs of the plastic surgeon and aneastetic would be around 14k which is a big figure for me. I'm told if I go private, I can have the surgery as soon as 2 weeks but the puclic system may take upto 6 week.

my question is how urgent is the surgery, will a month difference matter?

Also I'm choosing to do a double mastectomy to reduce the risk of cancer in my other breast. I'm slim and don't have much fat for reconstruction, implant would be the best solution forward for me. Has people who have gone with implant reconstruction in public system been happy with the result? how does the after treatments look for them? Any public hospital that you recommend in Victoria for the surgery and reconstruction? will the result of the reconstruction be any different if I'm in public vs private? I will be staying upto 3 days in the hospital due to implant reconstruction so really having a shared or private room is not a big factor here.

Can anyone who has gone through this privately or publically contact me please? 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    edited February 15
    Sorry to see you joining us here, @sapi .... I hope we can help you with your decision making xx

    Do you know 'which' invasive BC it is? Ductal, Lobular or other?

    It took nearly 4 months to get to my surgery date, after initial detection - and I don't believe mine grew bigger during that time ..... as that is our usual fear, that any delay could result in 'bigger surgery' - but as you're having a double mastectomy .... I don't think that will be an issue.  But, this disease mucks with your brain even more than your body ... and anxiety is always a huge part of the side effects of the initial diagnosis. :( 

    Does your surgeon work in BOTH the public & private systems?    If he does, you could wait the 6 weeks & have it done by him, in the public system (tho I am not sure if reconstruction is done routinely with the mastectomies in the public system.).  Feel free to join the Private Reconstruction Group, where you can ask any questions and also see 'before & after' pics too, of reconstruction surgery.

    I went private for surgery, to get it done quicker, but it was 7 years ago now was a lumpectomy & I was about $7,000+ out of pocket.  However, I had all my Oncology and Radiation done on Public System & didn't pay a penny.  

    I am sure others who've had reconstruction will jump on soon re hospitals & your other questions xx

    take care & all the best
  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 151
    edited February 15
    Check out Breast recon 101 series in insta , about a dozen interviews, different topics. I am sure you will find stuff about public vs private. Learn wide, so then you can narrow down what is important for you.      

     Grade one sounds like no hurry, but your oncologist should help you decide that, 
    Yes go public if you don't have a spare 10K lying around. Often there is ongoing balancing and  adjustments and more costs .It rarely ends up just one surgery. Do learn about risks and complications so your mentally prepared if something does happen.
    Do read up, especially if after surgery new pathology  shows any more tiny tumors and they decide you need radiation that can change things, every surgeon has different methods and all based on your body, so you have to talk to lots different women and experiences , then  make your own decisions. Learn about contracture and capsultaion, scar therapy & compression for good healing .
    There is a recon group within  BCNA you should join, and there are aussie fb ones too.Its a big world, so many women go through it but its not a decision to rush into.

     Do also start with the great webinar by BCNA all about recon, its a great start to learning the lingo, so then when you get to talk to a surgeon you understand it a bit better.  Informed choice is hard, but important you have no regrets.
    Also good if you go to a local support group, meet others face to face, learn various surgeons names, but remember everyones opinions take with a grian of salt- they get emotional so can be over exadurated, step back, try and get facts not feelings.

     ( I haven't had recon, i happily stayed half flat 18 years no regrets, i run a BC support group all that time , so i have seen and heard  many tales and experiences of other women and i know its not easy decision.Listen to your doctors carefully.) Best wishes.
  • sapi
    sapi Member Posts: 2 New Member
    @arpie: thank you for your comment. It only says invasive mucinous carcinoma. Did you start hormontherapy between surgery and diagnosis?
    I have started looking at the private group and it has been a great help
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    xx. It can vary, @sapi - depending on the diagnosis & other bits.  Ask your medical team when you see them next (ie the Medical Oncologist) as that is their area of expertise xx. My surgeon said I'd be on Tamoxifen - but my Onc chose a different one for me!  ;) 

    Some start hormone therapy early - but most start after surgery & radiation (if they have it.) 

    take care
  • MeredithR
    MeredithR Member Posts: 2
    Hi Sapi,

    I too had stage 1 invasive breast cancer in one breast.  I was diagnosed in late October 2024 and, like you, I had the choice of going public or private.  Confess I left in shock after the diagnosis was confirmed by BreastScreen Qld (who by the way were fantastic and very supportive) and immediately went to see my GP as I did not know which way to go.  His recommendation was to go Public and at a particular hospital.  His comment was 'you will get the best treatment there and it will all be coordinated'. He was correct.  I had an appointment within about a week of the confirmation of the diagnosis and had surgery 10 days after I first saw the surgeon.  It sure was a very fast train!  

    I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy done at the same time.  (My cancer was small).  

    Since then I have had a course of radiation therapy at the same hospital and have just commenced hormone blocking therapy.

    I have nothing but the highest praise for our public hospital system in Brisbane.  I guess the only 'downside' is that you don't get to choose your specialists but everyone I have had contact with has been fantastic.

    Good luck with your decision and definitely keep reading on the BCNA website.  I found it very helpful and comforting.

    All the very best, make sure to be kind to yourself and do take care.
  • May2024
    May2024 Member Posts: 24
    hi @sapi
    I had a double mastectomy with immediate implant & nipple sparing recon in Nov 2024.  I went private (yep, out of pocket was a heck of a lot). I had Grade 3 DCIS in my right breast but opted for double due to family history.  I'm happy to answer any questions you have regarding the recon. 

    All the best with your journey
  • melways
    melways Member Posts: 41
    Dr Michael Law is a great surgeon and works privately in Vic but also out of the breast and cancer centre at Maroondah in Ringwood. 

    You could get a referral to see him privately and then go public which is what I did. I didn't have reconstruction but my friend did with Michael and he was wonderful. 

    Also I think in the public system they have to provide surgery within 4 weeks at least that was what I was told when diagnosed in December 2023. 

    Best of luck and hopefully you can navigate the right path for yourself ❤️ 
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Do you mean that you are Stage 1? I believe this indicates the size and spread of the cancer. There are 4 stages.
    There is also a grade, there are 3 grades. The Grade indicates speed of growth.
    Grade 1 is slow growing and 3 is fast growing.
    My BC was Stage 2 and Grade 3. I was very happy to have my Mastectomy 10 days after discovery of my lump.
    I'm in SA. My surgeries (Mastectomy and Reconstruction) have only cost me $2500 in gaps, privately. 
    My PS does not charge too much. And I am very happy with her.
    The only thing I had done in Public system was Radiotherapy, as Health Insurance does not cover this.
    Did your medical team give you advice re the urgency in your case?
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,310
    edited February 18
    Hi @sapi
    I had my surgeries in the private system ( double mastectomy and a separate surgery after I had recovered from radiotherapy for DIEP reconstruction.)
    My story is in the choosing breast reconstruction private group.
    Even though I was in a private health fund my out of pocket expenses were steep.It was during Covid and I figured the money saved on not going overseas on a holiday I could spend on me.
    The reason I went private was I got to choose the plastic surgeon and not join a long wait list for the reconstruction.
    My plastic surgeon also operates in the public system and I know many ladies have gone through the public system and been happy with the outcome.
    Implant surgery is a much simpler surgery than the one I had to the choice of surgeon may not be as critical.
    But to qualify as a plastic surgeon in Australia is so tough I expect whoever you get will know what they are doing.
    Best of luck with what you decide .