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New lump (in armpit, other side)

Hi all - I have noticed a tender lump in my armpit on the side where I didn’t have breast cancer (though I did end up having a double mastectomy and reconstruction). This surgery was last year. I have a GP appointment on the weekend and will ask for ultrasound referral. It was not picked up in my Nov 2024 ultrasound and I have just noticed it. Has anyone had anything similar? 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    @Beginner - I am so glad you are being proactive & getting checked it out. 

    Definitely an ultrasound, maybe even suggest a scan of some sort, to be sure, to be sure?

    No, I haven't had anything like that, but I am sure someone else will have a tale to tell xx  ;) 

    Take care & all the best 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,475
    I got one, just when I was negotiating how much more Taxol I could take ( I finished my recommended 12 doses, nothing like a lump
    to focus the mind!). So checked it out with a raft of helpful medicos. 

    Mine was a Schwannoma - no
    I’d never hear of it either. Entirely consisting of Schwann cells. And completely
    benign. Still have it - the general consensus was leave it alone unless it’s causing a problem. I didn’t really fancy digging about in my other armpit! It twinges very occasionally just to let me know it’s still there. The human body is full of oddities, most of which we are blissfully unaware of until bc makes us very aware! Best wishes for a curious but benign outcome. 

  • Beginner
    Beginner Member Posts: 23
    Thank you both. Afraser, yes certainly hoping for a curious but benign outcome! :)
  • Beginner
    Beginner Member Posts: 23
    Fortunately the tender armpit lump has gone away and the sonographer advised there is no lump there. Feeling less worried now, but will still make an appointment with the gp for formal results 😊
  • CarolineP
    CarolineP Member Posts: 1
    Oh my goodness, the number of time I've found lumps and bumps and freaked out.  Luckily all have been nothing to worry about.  Had to have a giggle- for 4 mths I had a hard lump develop on the left side of my chest.  I was so scared of getting it checked out- I delayed and delayed.  Finally booked in for ultrasound.  Three days before-hand my husband and I slept on separate sides of the bed for the first time.  He started complaining about a pain in his side- yep, checked the mattress and a wire spring was sticking out (exactly where I lay on every night).  Flipped the mattress- within 2 days my 'tumour' disappeared.  Have to laugh and so thankful it was just a bloody spring!