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Very dry eyes

Hi everyone, since I've started treatment (chemo, radiation and hormone blockers) I've been suffering with super dry eyes, and while they've improved slightly since I finished chemo in May, it's only a slight improvement. Has anyone had the same issue? I'm going to see my optician again, but I'd be interested to know if anyone has found eye drops that are working for them. I'm using hylo forte, which is ok but I need to use it constantly throughout the day, and I'm using an eye ointment at night which is gloopy, but does stop my eye lids sticking together. My eyelashes are back, so they have improved things a bit, particularly at night as they stop my eyelids completely welding together, but my eyes do tend to feel scratchy all day.

As side effects go it's pretty minor, but my right eye is so dry that it affects my vision if I don't constantly use drops.


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808
    The Optometrist may suggest Optimel Manuka Honey Eye drops or gel
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Hi @Katie46   My optometrist picked up on my dry eyes at my annual appointment and she checked said yes definitely the medication is what making the dry eyes and to use drops to moisten them. I reacted to the ones she suggested so now just got to check with the pharmacist for a different type. 
    Due to hey fever and allergy itch the antihistamines when i have to take those my eyes dry out even more 
    its a vicious circle 
    crystal crusty eyes, streaming eyes or burning eyes. Dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t 
    @iserbrown  i haven’t heard of those ones might check it out
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808
    My Optometrist recommended them.  We use them at night. (It does sting!)  During the day we use Systane Ultra drops for dry eyes - also recommended as they are preservative free
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 245
    Thanks @iserbrown, I'll ask the pharmacist about that one. I have quite a selection at this stage, but haven't come across that one yet. Nova Tears is pretty good, but leaves my eyes feeling a bit sticky and slightly blurred for a bit after I use it, so I only use it in the morning.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,538
    My GP recommended Cationorm. Quite pricey but work. Have to get at the chemist.
  • elisewjk
    elisewjk Member Posts: 62
    My Optician recommended Hylo Forte, both morning and evening. Has worked quite well for me. They cost about $32, available at the Optician's store only that I've found.
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 312
    edited December 2024
    Yes @Katie46
    thanks for posting about this side effect, when I was having chemotherapy it was a lot worse with a bit of blurry vision after treatment and occasional “styes” in the lower lid due to not having eyelashes. Thankfully the vision is not blurry anymore but like you, I still have dry eyes and I use Hylo Forte.
    Another eye drop I used prior to my diagnosis was an over the counter drop called Albalon, for eye decongestion and irritation. I paused use during treatment because it isn’t a lubricant. I started using it and found it helpful to use it for the minor hay fever I experienced this spring. 

  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 245
    Thanks @Tri and @elisewjk after trying lots of different brands, I think the hylo forte is probably working best for me. Its improved a bit, but my eyes are constantly dry, particularly at night, and if I wake up in the middle of the night my eye lids are practically glued together, even after my eyelashes came back. I use it first thing in the morning and several times during the day, and at night.