Incurable breast cancer numbers almost triple previous estimates. World first data

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,089
edited October 16 in Community news and events

After 25 years of advocacy by BCNA, people with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) have finally been counted — at least in New South Wales.

In a data breakthrough that far surpasses previous estimates, the Cancer Institute NSW has identified there are 7900 (7850 women and 50 men) living with MBC in NSW alone.

This world-first announcement means people living with MBC are now visible in NSW, ensuring their needs are no longer overlooked.

Knowing how many people are living with MBC means we can plan a healthcare system, policy and services. This announcement will pave the way for all cancers to be counted and is a model that can be rolled out nationally and internationally.

To help ensure everyone is counted contact your state Health Minister and ask them to fast track the work of NSW in your state or territory.

For more information about the announcement, you can read our latest media release via the link Incurable breast cancer numbers almost triple estimates ( 

If you need our help? 
We recognise the emotional weight of today's announcement on those affected by breast cancer. BCNA is here to provide support and resources to help you navigate through any fears or anxieties you may be experiencing. Please call our Helpline on 1800 500 258 if you need support.


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,438
    Thank you @Mez_BCNA and all those who have helped make this happen.

     I have just now written to the Queensland Health Minister and encourage others to do the same. Contact was easy as filling in an email template. With a state election on 26th October, we may have to write again if the government changes.

    As someone with MBC this is truly a great start and a significant milestone. It is upsetting to think those outside NSW are still invisible and it is upsetting that the services we need aren't there because of it. 

    I really appreciate BCNA and the work you are doing. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    edited October 16
    That's great news @Mez_BCNA - and not surprised that the numbers are greater than they 'assumed' .... and when they throw in all the OTHER metastatic cancers as well, they'll get a real shock, I reckon - as they all need such specialised treatments & meds - it is SO hard to understand they'd never been 'counted' before. :( 

    Well done @Cath62 for contacting the Qld Health Minister - and definitely, everyone in Qld with Mets should do the same - and not only for BC mets - ALL people with mets from any cancer xx

    It was on Channel 9 News this evening -  ...

  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 967
    @Mez_BCNA thank you to BCNA for the work you do.    Its great news that NSW have included Mets patients in their numbers.  No-one should be left behind.   Yes we need to see this for ALL states now.  To think 10,000 was an Australia wide estimate and NSW numbers come in at 7900.   We do need to see how many is really Australia Wide.  

    Well done@Cath62 for contacting QLD Health Minister.   I will be looking to write to the Victorian Health Minister too. 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,235
    Thanks @Mez_BCNA for all the work BCNA has done on this issue.
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 146
    As I am newer to this experience compared to others I was absolutely astonished when I learned that no data was kept to know how many people were living with incurable cancer. 
    Whilst I am not in that cohort I am absolutely committed to accurate information so all people and their families and communities can make informed policy and services decisions. Incredible work by the advocacy folks and people experiencing Mets 👏👏👏🌸