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Update: I got heavy period 1 week after 1st Zoladex injection. Any similar experience?

senjakala Member Posts: 6
Hello everyone. I wish you have a happy Sunday.

I am 33 y.o. and diagnosed with localised advanced HER2-positive breast cancer last month. 

I got zoladex injection on Thursday (12/9). As expected, I didn't get the period which is normally usually come around last weekends.

Got my first chemo on Friday (20/9) [I choose to go with Perjeta/Pertuzumab treatment btw]. Overall so good, only normal sympthoms like sore and dry throat, thrush, very mild tingling sensation. may be because I still consume the dexamethasone as prescribed for Day 2.

I took the Ziextenzo (pegfilgrastim) injection around 25 hrs after the chemo as instructed.
No alergic reaction. Only mild ache. But, a couple of hours later I felt burning sensation during urination and when I tried to hold my urine, then the urine got redder plus I found blood on my panty.

I went to ER. Surprisingly my temp a little bit over 38C (At that time I felt okay, no sweat or chills). Got observed, blood test, urine test, chest xray. Overall nothing concerning except the blood in urine and the discomfort during urination. During the urine MCS I found blood on my pads like during period, but redder (usually I have darker spot). This made me unsure whether the blood came from my urethra or uterus. But because I feel pain during urination + the fever, I discharged with UTI diagnosis. Got antibiotic iv + antibiotic prescription.

I got much better after had some sleep at home. It is still a little bit hurt during urination, but much-much better. However, the blood got redder and it become more-more similar to period sympthoms. Like a heavy period will storm in.

I plan to observe what will happen today, and will consult my oncologist tomorrow. But, if someone here have experience with period after 1st zoladex injection or similar sympthoms, I will really appreciate your insight

(PS: Sorry for the long post and grammar mistake, english is not my 1st language)
Thank you