BCNA's new Media Coordinator

Hello everyone,
I have just joined BCNA as the new Media Coordinator and wanted to introduce myself to the network.
I will be working along the delightful Thea Cargill to raise the profile of BCNA and its members. We will also be working to promote the work BCNA does with women with breast cancer to the wider community.
I am excited to have the opportunity to join the network and help share the inspiring stories and experiences of our women to a wider audience.
Apart from work, I was born in Launceston, Tasmania and first moved to Melbourne for university. I have just returned from three years living and working in London, and spent seven months backpacking through Europe and South America on my way home. While travelling was an amazing experience, I am thrilled to be back in Australia and starting this fantastic role at BCNA.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about BCNA's media activities, or if you have a great personal story that you would be happy to share.
Cheers, Laura xox
Thanks Sam - was such a pleasure to chat with you over the phone - congratulations on the article and being a celebrity in Adelaide. Hope to meet you in person in the not-to-distant future. Also, thanks for the welcome - I'm loving my job two months in! Cheers, Laura