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Hi everyone. As everyone was so helpful with my radiation burns post, I thought I’d ask another question. I started Tamoxifen 4 days ago and I’ve just started spotting. Is this normal? I remember my oncologist talking about looking out for vaginal bleeding but i didn’t expect spotting so quickly. I thought she met in a few months time. My period is also due in 5 days so it could be related to that. I’m assuming this has to do with my estrogen levels dropping? Just trying to work out what’s normal & when to contact my oncologist.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    HI @frankie -  When do you see your Onc next?  

    Maybe let your Breast Care nurse know first, so that it is noted on your file .... then if anything becomes more concerning for you, maybe thenm contact your Onc (if not seeing them in the short term) ....  

    take care xx
  • frankie
    frankie Member Posts: 7
    I see my oncologist on the 8th October. I’ll definitely ask her then. I have a list of questions for her. I asked my radiation nurse today but she was unsure & directed me to the pharmacist.the pharmacist wasn’t that helpful.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808

    A link to a booklet 

    If you put Tamoxifen and spotting in the search bar lots of previous discussions come up that you may find helpful 

    Take care

  • nicmaree
    nicmaree Member Posts: 31
    Hi All, can’t work out how to start a new discussion on my phone so I’ve tagged on to this one. 
     I’ve been on tamoxifen for approx 9 months and have just started getting swelling on one foot and ankle plus opposite hand/fingers.
    Has anyone else had this side effect? What did you do to help fix it? Thanks x 
  • Suki
    Suki Member Posts: 64
    Hi @nicmaree

    I would get any swelling looked at by a doctor ASAP.  It may be unrelated, but Tamoxifen does have an increased risk for blood clots.

    All the best.