Wondering if I should have decided on a mastectomy?

LJS Member Posts: 23
I am recovering well from my lumpectomy (ILC left breast; clear margins and all 4 nodes removed clear)10 days ago but am now worrying about radiation therapy (awaiting appts with medical oncologist and radiologist). I thought I was fine with my decision after discussing lumpectomy or mastectomy with my surgeon but am now second guessing myself. If I'd had a mastectomy I wouldn't be subjecting my body to radiation. I have read that recurrence rates are pretty similar with lumpectomy or mastectomy so felt the less invasive surgery was better for me. This constant whirl in my head is really distressing me. I'm not sleeping. What should I do?


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,240
    Try not to get ahead of yourself, @LJS .... 'specially with the 'what ifs' .... Sadly, there is a chance of anyone having a recurrence, even if the BC is caught early, successful surgery, Chemo &/or Rads & Tabs .... 
    The good news is that MOST DON'T get recurrences xx

    This disease really mucks with our brains, even more than our bodies, I reckon!

    Chat with your GP about seeing a counsellor (or ring our helpline on 1800500258 Mon-Fri 9-5) as disturbed/lack of sleep can really make you feel 'down'.

    Also, consider listening to Charlotte Tottman's podcasts - She was a psychologist who specialised in treating Breast Cancer patients - when she was diagnosed herself.   She's had a double mastectomy, stayed flat and KNOWS what we've all gone thru!  She was surprised too, at the emotions she went thru herself, as they were different from what she'd 'thought they were' when she was counseling women prior to her own diagnosis.  So she 'gets it'.
    Go to this link, click on the 'list' (it should show 22 tracks) and start off with No 13 (the first one of Series 1) and work your way thru them.
    https://soundcloud.com/search?q=charlotte tottman

    Take care, and try & keep as busy as you can (to help keep the mind issues at bay.)  xx
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 980
    Hello try to breathe and take 1 step at a time.  I had a mastectomy and I did have to have radiation.  Not all treatment plans are the same.  
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 231
    Hi @LJS I had 3 weeks of radiation after chemo. The radiation was fine, little bit of mild redness, some feeling of tightness (like a very mild sunburn), but that was it. I used plenty of sorbolene, and I think my skin was pretty much back to normal a month after finishing.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,240
    I am so sorry you've lost your husband, @LJS, it really does make it tougher xx - we could be twins. :(  I lost my husband too just over 2 years ago xx. Sending big hugs xx 

  • LJS
    LJS Member Posts: 23
    Thanks @arpie for your hugs. You understand exactly. The universe wasn't very kind to us was it!
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi LJS

    Everyone is different lovely and our brain likes to conjure up the worst case scenario everytime for reasons known only to itself. Especially at night!
     You made exactly the right choice at the time for you.  Personally,  I chose the same. Lumpectomy but had a full axillary clearance.

    My experience with radiation (30 rounds of it) was absolutely fine. The most annoying thing was driving there every day.
     I had minimal skin trouble until the last week and thats when they were doing a targetted boost to the one area.  Some ladies on here back then recommended using the moo goo udder cream and it worked brilliantly.  After treatment I used Flamazene (can't use it during as it has silver in it) and everything healed very quickly. 

    All the best sweet.  Trust yourself and your decision.  xoxoxo

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,240
    @LJS - yep, it really sucks xx. Big hugs xx

    As @kezmusc says, the radiation is very often 'fairly easy' (I know mine was - and like Kezmusc,  only had skin breakdown in the last few days when they did the booster ...)  Using the lotions & potions at least 2 x a day (after each session) and continuing for another 3 weeks after (as it sort of continues 'cooking' after the treatment has actually stopped!)   After you've finished - you'll notice that your boob will remain quite warm for some time - so I continued until I didn't feel that 'warmth' then did another week or two of lotions, to be sure, to be sure xx

    take care & wishing you all the best xx.  

  • LJS
    LJS Member Posts: 23
    Oh thank you so much @kezmusc and @arpie. Such warmth and reassurance from people who've been there has eased my panic. Appointment with the radiologist tomorrow.