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Oh God

Hi I'm Keryn, diagnosed is 2021 and I'm currently taking Letrezole.
2 1/2 years in & 2 1/2 to go.
It makes me feel horrible.
I'm currently taking CBD oil but read an article that said it interacts badly (my oncologist said he couldn't see any issue's) 
Does anyone else take it or ha e any info?


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    Hi @KerynA ... welcome to the  blog! Sorry to see you join us here. 

    Feel free to Tell us a bit more about your story so far -which BC were you diagnosed with & which surgery and treatments you've had so far .... it can become a bit of a 'diary' for you.

    I didn't last long on Letrozole at all (6 weeks) before changing to Exemestane (for 6 months) and have been on Anastrozole ever since (over 5 years.  I finish next year.)

    How long have you been on CBD Oil?  That is great that your Onc is OK with it.  (So is mine - I have a letter from her, in case I have a roadside drug test saying that I am on it for side effects from BC medications.)   It does take a little while to 'titrate' to the correct dosage for your symptoms (unlike tablets, that kick in straight away.)

    I've been on CBD oil for about 4 years now - and it definitely helps take the edge off the aches & pains for me (I already had arthtritis before diagnosis, so the AIs just made it all worse!)  I've not had any bad interactions - and it has helped me sleep as well.  There are different 'strengths' of CBD oil too .... 

    If you go to the search area (in the blue banner) you can put in Medicinal Cannabis Oil and you'll see many posts on the subject

    Take care & all the best.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808
    As mentioned above Letrozole isn't the only Aromatose Inhibitor.  Talk to your Oncologist!

    You are halfway as you're one of what I call, the lucky ones, only 5 years.  Mine is 10 years with 10 months to go.

    Look at your routine to see if changing time taking Letrozole makes a difference!

    A link below worth reading, if you haven't seen it already!
    Take care
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 160

    Hi,  I was on one and changed to Anastrozole which I found for me the sides were much more mild.
     Your specialist will change it for you if you speak to them.

     But they affect everyone differently.I just found the Anastrozole better for me.

    I also found the CBD helpful , in fact I don't really need the day time one now, but I find the night one really helps me sleep and helps me feel calm and happy.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

    Cindi x
  • KerynA
    KerynA Member Posts: 2
    Thank you all for your kind messages