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Low Hb - chemo ended 3 months ago

Hello! Hope you are all well! I am trying to stay positive but having a bit of a mental struggle at the moment. I was diagnosed with TNBC in Nov 23 (two tumours 1 was 2cm and 1 was very small), I finished 4 x AC, 12 carbo and 11 Taxol - low HB throughout but normal before. I have also had quite a few immunotherapy, but its paused for now. Has anyone had low HB even after all the chemo has ended? I had full PCR with my lumpectomies and no node involvement (so thankful) but now I just feel like I'm condemned to continues blood transfusions for my life or worse... I am having my second bone marrow biopsy tomorrow but I just keep wanting to cry thinking the worse case. I never really though destruction of my bone marrow was a possible option with chemo but I guess it might be.  Because I couldn't do the mastectomy (low bloods), I am needing radiation. It just seems like a bad dream :( sorry this post is a bit poor me and I know it could be worse. Has this happened to anyone and it was just recovery from chemo nothing more?


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    So sorry to see you join our exclusive little club, @Vic0002 ... the one no-one ever thought they'd be joining!

    If you edit your title (click the 3 dots in the circle on the right hand side) you can add TNBC to your title & more 'with it' could jump on and help you with your questions xx. And please ring our helpline 1800 400 258 to have a chat when you are feeling low xx. Just chatting with someone who understands, will be a great help, I think xx

    I haven't had any of the issues that you describe - but if you join the TNBC group (below).  
    We have a private group for Triple Negative members - jump on & join (it should be approved tomorrow) and you can chat with them, re all things TNBC

    Also, check out this post for lots of 'general' info on the forum that you may like to look at too! (Even some funny bits, as we all need a laugh xx)  You can show off your garden, your furkids, your art & craft ..... or start a new thread, with your favourite hobby!  ;)

    And definitely check out the podcasts by Charlotte Tottman - as she's had a double mastectomy, stayed flat and KNOWS what we've all gone thru!  She was surprised too, the emotions she went thru herself, as they were different from what she'd 'thought they were' when she was counseling women prior to her own diagnosis.  So she 'gets it'.
    Go to this link, click on the 'list' (it should show 22 tracks) and start off with No 13 (the first one of Series 1) and work your way thru them. tottman

    take care & wishing you the best xx