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Chemo Tablets?

imy65 Member Posts: 6 New Member
Hi all. I was diagnosed Triple Negative in late Nov 2023. Went straight on to Chemotherapy with lots of negative reactions, including anaphylaxis. Then had Surgery to remove lump and one lymph node which was all clear. Just finished 4 weeks of Radiation. Now my Medical Oncologist wants to put me on Capecitabine tablets for 6 months. I can't seem to get a straight answer as to why I need this as well as everything else. I was just starting to feel a bit more 'normal' and looking forward to life again. Has anyone else used these tablets that can give me an honest opinion. Thank you. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    So sorry to see you join our exclusive little club, @imy65 ... the one no-one ever thought they'd be joining :(

    Great that you've gotten thru all your treatment & surgery & Rads - shame about the anaphylaxis - that can be really scary!   

    if you put 'capecitabine' in the 'Search area' at the top of the Discussions page .... it will bring up various posts where others have commented on using it ....

    My husband was on Capecitabine tablets & his worst side effects was the skin peeling off his feet in particular and a dry mouth ( you can get some gels and things to suck on to help with the mouth)  ... ask the Onc what lotions & potions they would suggest to try & prevent the bad skin peeling - he used creams on his feet that were recommended by his podiatrist - called NS21.  They had some 'sample sachets' of each one too, that we grabbed & tried on him.

    take care & all the best

    We also have a private group for Triple Negative members - jump on & join (it should be approved tomorrow) and you can chat with them, re all things TNBC

    Also, check out this post for lots of 'general' info on the forum that you may like to look at too! (Even some funny bits, as we all need a laugh xx)  You can show off your garden, your furkids, your art & craft .....
  • imy65
    imy65 Member Posts: 6 New Member
    Thank you soooo much for all that. I'll check those links tomorrow and try the search too. I appreciate your help. :) 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    xx @imy65 - just plain old chewing gum was good for the dry mouth too (and tastes nice) - as it encourages the production of saliva xx.   Keep some in the car, by your bed, in the lounge, in your handbag ....

    Do you have a podiatrist already in your health team?  If not, check your area or ask your Medical team who they would recommend (where are you in Qld - if you add your 'suburb' or area, eg Gold Coast etc - you can edit it in your profile) then members nearby may be able to advise you of a good one! 

    If you've already made contact with them (even before it happens) & let them know your treatment will likely include the peeling, you will hopefully be able to book a session now & them for them to 'clean it up'.  Some have LONG waits for appointments - and NEVER peel the dry 'tags' off as it will rip thru to the flesh & bleed & hurt like hell.  :(  

    take care & all the best xx
  • imy65
    imy65 Member Posts: 6 New Member
    Thank you. I will look into all of that. This whole thing about the feet is Really freaking me out. :( 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    edited August 2024
    Don't panic, @imy65 - The feet thing wasn't painful at all (weird tho it sounds - unless you pull the dry skin off & hit the flesh!) - it just looked ugly.   xx

    And who knows - it may not happen!  Not everyone gets 'all' the symptoms!  ;)   Hopefully, that is you xx

    take care
  • imy65
    imy65 Member Posts: 6 New Member
    OK. All i really want at the moment is to be well enough to be able to go for walks outside in nature. To think that my feet might get too painful to do that is just a bit much to bear. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    Don't get ahead of yourself, or you'll get all upset, my friend xx
    And, with a bit of luck, you won't get that side effect & you'll be able to get out as much as you like! 
    As it wasn't painful, we still got out for walks in the park & by the sea .... we just didn't go for miles!
    In the mean time, whenever the weather is 'nice' (it is back to winter here just now!) get out as often as you can & enjoy the outdoors xx

    take care