DCIS Diagnosis (Breast Cancer 8yrs ago)

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
Moderator moved @cancer_warrior62 post from 'Activity' section to dedicated post in 'Newly Diagnosed':
Don’t know if this is the right place for this but I’m struggling each day as it gets closer to my surgery date. I had breast cancer 8 years ago, stage 2 her2 positive had a lumpectomy, did chemo- radiation- Herceptin and 5 years on Tamoxifen, then end of May this year at my routine mammogram they found I had cancer again in the same breast this time it’s DCIS but next week I’m booked in for a Double Mastectomy. It’s hit me harder this time round and I’m crying at the slightest thing even though I’m trying to stay as positive as possible and also joking around with family to lighten the mood about it but anything could trigger me off. I’m always wondering what I’ll look like after as I’m not going to do a reconstruction. I may later down the track in a few years depending how I feel and it’s too much for me to go through. Any advice would be appreciated. 


  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    Hi There @cancer_warrior62 sorry You have had to go through all this again after 8yrs and welcome to the site you might like to join the private groups regarding going flat and the breast reconstruction Group I believe they have pictures and are very helpful regarding choices. Also if you put in the search bar mastectomy and select most recent some discussions between others will come up. 
    At the bottom of this chat should be a link to Groups click that then ask to join which one is relevant to you 
    I’ve seen lots of changes since I was first diagnosed in Nov 2016. Things better now and Our help line is open Monday to Friday during the day if you need more detailed advise they can point you in the right direction also the cancer council have counselling services which you can find the link to on their website. I have used them when I was struggling with my mets diagnosis. Usually they will see you at a local hospital clinic. My oncologist sent a recommendation through on my behalf. 
    Best wishes with your pathway ahead let us know how you go. 
    This is a great place just to let it all out no one judges 
    especially on this roller coaster called cancer
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited July 31
    @cancer_warrior62 - I am so sorry to read of your diagnosis xx. That is really tough xx.  Yes, it wreaks havoc on our emotions & your tears are totally normal and acceptable.  Go out in car & just scream as loud as you can .... it can also be quite cathartic xx  Holding it all in would make it worse ... so don't be afraid to let the family know that you are feeling fragile too xx. They will totally understand & offer even more support xx

    Consider joining the Flat Chat Mastectomy (private) group, where you'll be able to ask any questions & check out pics of before & afters of others' surgeries ...... An 'aesthetic closure' can look absolutely fabulous - so if you can see any pics that you 'really like' - you can show them to your surgeon so he knows what you are expecting! 

    Also check out Charlotte Tottman's Podcasts - they are brilliant!  She was surprised at how much 'worse' it hit her, when she thought she 'knew it' from talking her patients thru it ....
     .... She is a specialist BC Psychologist who has also had a double mastectomy and remained flat!  Read about her in the PDF below.

    take care xx