New here, Phylodes Tumour

lolasmum Member Posts: 15
Hi Everyone,
I am 56, mother of two adult girls. Mid April I was referred for an ultrasound on a hard lump I found in my left breast. I was shocked to receive a phone call from my GP saying I needed to see a breast surgeon. All tests, scans and biopsys finished, to be told my only option is simple mastectomy.
The surgery was scheduled for yesterday, but I tested positive for COVID so now I have to wait for a new date.
I have been told I am not a candidate for a reconstruction, as I am not within the weight range. I don't quite know if I have cancer? My surgeon is a sarcoma specialist so maybe I do, I am after told the tumour is "indeterminant".
I was surprised no other treatment options were available.
I also found that each appointment brought a new treatment plan, which felt like a emotional rollercoaster 💕it's great to find a Australia based network ☺️


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Hello, so sorry about your ordeal. It sounds very confusing and frustrating. I’d be looking at a second opinion asap if I were you. You have the time now that the surgery was postponed. Could be a blessing. 
    Good luck! 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    I am so sorry to see you join our select little group @lolasmum- joining the club you never thought you'd join xx   We'll do our best to help answer any questions that you have & smooth out any speed humps xx. Yes, it is a real emotional roller coaster and it is not unusual to lurch between sadness & upset, to downright angry at the diagnosis.  I hope you have good family & friends nearby to support you too.  Always try & take someone with you to your appointments both for support and a second set of ears.  Consider recording the sessions too - as it is difficult to remember everything that has been said.  

    If you continue posting here, during your 'active treatment' ... it will sort of become a diary for you to look back on later!  After you've   your surgery, you will feel a lot better.

    Also, whack up your 'general area' on your profile so we know where you are!  We may have members nearby who could point you towards valuable resources in the area - or even meet up & have a chat & a coffee.

    That's a bummer you got Covid. :(  Your new date should be soon, hopefully.  Maybe start cooking some meals & freezing them so you have some ready to go after you do get home from surgery.

    There have been some other posts on Phylodes tumours ... you can check the more recent posts out here:

    Re the mastectomy - consider joining the Flat Chat Private Group where you can discuss in private, all things related to the procedure, and healing and moving on afterwards. xx.  Often the recovery from a full mastectomy can be easier than other surgeries!  

    Feel free to jump onto this thread & read up on other areas of the forum, some off topic, eg pets, gardens, art & craft ... also some funny posts too, as we all need a laugh too.  ;)  Jump onto any post that you like & add your own bits!  xx. There are some 'tick sheets' down the bottom too, that you can print off & fill in, re both your physical and emotional recovery too.

    Take care & all the best 
  • lolasmum
    lolasmum Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for the message. Where do I find the “flat chat" private group?
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    @lolasmum, sorry to see you here.

    I would personally go for a second opinion ( which I did in my case and didn’t regret it😉). To find the private group, follow the steps below:

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Good idea to get a 2nd opinion @GinGin xx. 

    You can just click here, @lolasmum ...
    and click JOIN.  Being the weekend, it probably won't be 'actioned' til Monday, tho.

    take care

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805


    The link above explains all types of breast cancer.

    If you haven't seen it before it may help to give you a better understanding of where you are at.

    Take care