12 months agoMember
Endocrine therapy compared to menopause
Hello, this is a question for those ladies who went through menopause before starting on tamoxifen or an aromotase inhibitor. I would be interested to hear if you found your endocrine medication-induced side effects were similar to or worse than those you experienced while undergoing menopause. I am soon to start a 3 week course of radiation and expect to also start endocrine therapy thereafter, but I do not yet know which medication I will be taking. I didn’t experience hot flashes when I went through menopause but I did get joint pain. There may not be any correlation between one’s experience of “real” menopause and endocrine therapy-induced side effects but the subject intrigues me. For now, that is. When the brain fog descends in the next few weeks I’ll doubtless forget all about it 😉