Support with coping

BeG Member Posts: 7
I've just been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer NST, I haven't been told what stage or what kind yet. I'm 27 and this has come as a major shock to my family and I. I'm struggling with how to cope, major low feelings and significant worries about what the future brings, especially given my age. I'm hoping to be provided with some reassurance or advice or tips... or anything lol
Thanks so much 


  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 969
    Sorry to see you join this club noone wants to join.  It is a big shock when first diagnosed. 

    There is a young woman's group you can ask to join.  

    Just breathe and take 1 day at a time.   Your medical team will have a plan for you.    Wishing you all the best for your upcoming appointments and treatment.
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    edited January 11
    @BeG  like Locksley said I day at a time. Definitely join the young women group. If you scroll to the bottom of the page tap on groups scroll down again till you find the young womens group click on Join. Any problems just yell out. 
    We do have a great variety and really helpful bunch of people on here. Also on the home page is the helpline number. Plus cancer council have a help line as well. 
    Don’t suffer in silence make sure you get a breast care nurse. Whether its a McGrath nurse or hospital nurse
    DO NOT GOOGLE  They are usually out dated and give the worst case scenario. 
    Once all the relevant tests are done and your team is in place you will have some direction. Take someone with you that you trust to your appointments a second set of ears is a must its amazing what you might miss hearing. Get them to  Take notes
    If the specialists are any good at their job no question is silly
    The my journey app is very useful. 
    Some say record the appointment ( you would have to get permission to do that.) 
    the search bar is also useful for finding past chats re a variety of topics.  Charlotte Tottmans  podcasts are great bcna have had some great webcasts as well. 
    This journey for everyone is different but similar Your treatment will be tailored for you and your specific needs. 
    Best wishes for the ride ahead if you scroll down the home page theres links to different things
    I use my smart phone all the time for accessing BCNA network that way its with me all the time. 

  • BeG
    BeG Member Posts: 7
    Thanks to you both for your kind responses 😊
  • AnnieMichelle_123
    AnnieMichelle_123 Member Posts: 15
    Hi there, I am so sorry to hear of what is a most daunting and overwhelming experience and you are not alone in the impact it has on self and those who love us. It is an on going journey. I agree with all that is advised above. I also found excellent personal support through the Cancer Council and had four free counselling sessions with the most excellent nurse counsellor. Being a counselling social worker myself, I found her professional care and support invaluable. I also spoke to the breast care nurse attached to the hospital where I had my surgery. She talked me through all the steps in a kind and compassionate way that reassured my anxieties and enabled me to face surgery and radiotherapy. One step at a time and finding moments of pleasure and joy to bracket out the overwhelming thoughts and emotions also helped me. I painted and drew a lot and walked heaps. All the best to you.