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Choosing to stop treatment

I was diagnosed with metastases in October last year and was given ~12 months. We tried Trodelvy but it was too hard on my body. Tried Eribulen but a recent CT scan showed it’s not working.

my onc has said we could try liposomal doxyrubicin but I had a horrible time on doxorubicin last year. He estimates I have maybe 2 - 3 months left and the next treatment has about a 20% chance to work, and if it does, it would only buy me a couple more months at most.

im thinking it’s time to stop treatment and just enjoy the days I have left.

has anyone else made this decision? What is your experience? Were you in pain or have other bad symptoms?


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @ilovewhenitrains, I am not in your situation but I want to wish you well in your decision. I can't imagine having to make that choice.

     I have a friend in a similar situation and at this stage they are continuing treatment. I am not sure how long they will continue. 

    Trust your instincts and do what is right for you at this time. Wishing you peace in your decision and sending you a virtual hug. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited May 2023
    I am So sorry to hear this, @ilovewhenitrains ...  as @FLClover says - no one can really say 'how long' anyone may have ... and as @Cath62 says - trust your instincts with your decision making. xx

    In hindsight, I almost wish that my husband's treatment had stopped earlier (but we hoped for that 'miracle' and continued with it.)  If we'd stopped earlier, he would have had better quality for his remaining time, instead of continuing the treatment that made him so ill .... but it is a decision only you can make xx

    Take care xx
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Beautiful picture @June1952 🥰, and nice message ♥️.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi @ilovewhenitrains
    I have always loved your pen name!
    Nothing is certain and your oncologist can only give  you their best guess.
    You may  defy the odds but then again if the side effects of the treatment are tough you need to weigh that up.
    No one said this shitfest was easy.
    I hope you settle in the best way forward.🌺

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @ilovewhenitrains you do whatever you want to now. If you want to stop, stop. 
    Think of what you told yourself when this started, and follow your heart.
    Best wishes MXX
  • Ellamary98
    Ellamary98 Member Posts: 158
    edited May 2023
    @ilovewhenitrains , I agree with others. Do what you want to do in your heart and make it very clear to your loved ones.I firmly believe that every last day of our lives, even with this disease, belongs to ourselves. If you want your last months to be free of treatment, then go for it. And yes, specialists are just providing prognoses based on their experience with other patients. We are all so unique. I hope you are able to settle on a course of action (or inaction) that you feel good about. Lots of love.
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    @ilovewhenitrains It sounds as if your decision is almost made for you. Have you been referred to palliative care? They should be able to help you with pain, nausea and other issues. If you decide to not take any further treatment, you should still be able to get good pain relief etc. I am currently using Fentanyl patches and oxycodone, and they are both very effective. Wishing you all the best xxx
  • trix63
    trix63 Member Posts: 1
    Do what you think is best for you. I was diagnosed 1st May 2023 with De Novo MBC and after a terrible experience with hospital doctor and breast nurse with terrible side effects of meds within 2 weeks, I stopped all treatment. Happy to say 21 months later I am still active and enjoying life. Cancer has spread to one eye but 5 radiation treatments have helped. Pity I was refused radiation by hospital oncologist to begin with but found a way around him and now have a supportive radiation oncologist for palliative care. Have a meningioma that is growing which was ignored by hospital oncologist so my GP arranged a neurosurgeon to check it out. Yet again, this doctor thinks radiation will help. I am happy not to be in constant pain and illness due to a drug regime and look forward to getting up every morning to my normal daily routine.