Newly Diagnosed

Beckii1 Member Posts: 2
Hi all I am newly diagnosed, booked in for surgery on Tuesday next week and feeling a bit overwhelmed.


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,238
    Hi @Beckii1
    Feeling overwhelmed is very normal!
    You have come to the right place as we have all “ been there” in one way or another and there is no question that can’t be asked on here and we will try to help.
    It took me a while to navigate my way around this website and this forum but there is a wealth of information here.
    The best advice my GP gave me initially was to take someone else to all my initial consultations as I would likely not remember everything and it would be good to have another set of ears.
    What surgery are you having and do you know what your type of cancer is ( eg: hormone positive) and what other treatment you will be having?
    I was a voracious reader of all official type cancer resources after my diagnosis but not everyone is like me and prefers to take it as it comes.
    One source I found very useful was the podcast series by Dr Charlotte Tottman on here “What you  don’t know until you do “ .
    She is a clinical psychologist specialising in cancer related distress who herself got breast cancer and realised she never really “ got it” until she did…
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    All the best for your surgery next week @Beckii1 ... Jump on to this thread to read up bits about the forum, as well as suggestions on what to take with you to the hospital ...  as well as 'tick sheets' for after your surgery .....  always write down any queries you have for your medical team - it is almost impossible to remember 'on the day' other wise xx

    And we have a few different areas on the blog where you can have a bit of fun, too - show us your pets, your garden, your art & crafts ..... and even have a few laughts - god knows, we need them! xx

    Rest up & accept any assistance after your surgery that you can - be it meals, walking the dog, taking the kids to school or even just company if you are on your own, once you get home!

    Take care xx
  • Fufan
    Fufan Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2023
    @Beckii1, of course you are overwhelmed.  We all have been there.  But welcome to the site, where there is a wealth of information, and no question is foolish.  If you write more detail of your diagnosis, and the treatment planned, I’m sure people will come forward to share their knowledge and experience.  The advice above is good: take a backup person (or record the consultation on your phone).  I keep quite detailed records, too, as it quickly becomes hard to remember everything. Everyone’s situation is different: are you young or…ah, like me?  Do you have a job? Do you live alone?  Do you have dependent kids?  Or caring responsibilities?  All create different problems, but there is usually help.  This is the time to accept it gratefully.
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,067
    Dear @Beckii1,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,444
    @Beckii1, it is totally overwhelming at the start. So much information to process. Try to take it step by step. Hard as it is stay away from Google. The other ladies have given good advice above.

    I would add it's to cry, be sad, angry or whatever about all this. I found it helpful to talk to a psychologist after my surgery, during my chemo treatment. I went a couple of times to help me process it all. I hope you have some good support. I had my son and husband who were amazing for me. I did find a couple of people who really weren't helpful so I chose not to see them. 

    Take big breaths and keep busy as it really does help. Get some exercise like walking as it will help you be fitter for surgery. I took up meditation too and found that so helpful. We are all different so just do what makes you happy. 

    You will get through this. You are stronger than you think. We all are. Take one day at a time. Big hugs x
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Hi @Beckii1
    No question is too silly and we're all here help
    Click on the link below and it will guide you towards a support group on the Gold Coast

    Gold Coast Support page and group — BCNA Online Network

    Take care and Best wishes

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @Beckii1 - I can say no more than the others have said above except that you have some wonderful specialists up there so you are in good hands.
    If you mention what your diagnosis is and what surgery is being done others who have had the same will come on and support you.
    All the best, thinking of you  💖
  • Beckii1
    Beckii1 Member Posts: 2
    Diagnosis of invasive lobular carcinoma, having a wire guided complete local excision and sentinel biopsy, followed by radiotherapy and hormone medication. Think I am just feeling a bit numb like it is happening to someone else. I dont think I am particularly frightened or anxious just a bit overwhelmed.