panic has set in

Hi girls
Panic has set in........I have my post op appointment tomorrow following my second lot of surgery for axillary clearance, help!!!!!
Good luck Mich. I will be thinking of you. Whereabouts are you? Do you have a good support group around you?
Lynne0 -
Hi Mich, Just wanted to wish you all the best for some positive news tomorrow. I had sentinel node biopsy done which showed a tiny bit of cancer in one from the four taken. I had to go back to surgery and they took another 12 which were all clear. That was done 3 1/2 years ago now. I will be thinking of you. Keep us informed.
Take care, Jill xxx
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Hi Lyn & Jill
Thank you for your kind words. I do live in the country so I am down in Perth currently for the surgeries and these appointments. I hope to go home on the weekend. The closest main area is about 65-70klms away but I have been in contact with the McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurse and Social Worker has called me so I am sure when I return home I will have their support.
The results from my post op appt was all positive so far with 17 nodes removed all clear, bone scan all clear just waiting on results from CT scan.
I will also be waiting to hear from an Oncologist regarding chemotherapy/hormone therapy and when that will commence. Then after that there will be radiotherapy.
I do feel one of the lucky ones but I am feeling extremely tired at present as it has been a couple whirlwind months on this rolla coaster I have found myself on.
I look forward to getting home to recooperare from the latest surgery to get ready for the next part of the journey.
I just keep having to remind myself I am one of the lucky ones.
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Hi Lyn & Jill
Thank you for your kind words. I do live in the country so I am down in Perth currently for the surgeries and these appointments. I hope to go home on the weekend. The closest main area is about 65-70klms away but I have been in contact with the McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurse and Social Worker has called me so I am sure when I return home I will have their support.
The results from my post op appt was all positive so far with 17 nodes removed all clear, bone scan all clear just waiting on results from CT scan.
I will also be waiting to hear from an Oncologist regarding chemotherapy/hormone therapy and when that will commence. Then after that there will be radiotherapy.
I do feel one of the lucky ones but I am feeling extremely tired at present as it has been a couple whirlwind months on this rolla coaster I have found myself on.
I look forward to getting home to recooperare from the latest surgery to get ready for the next part of the journey.
I just keep having to remind myself I am one of the lucky ones.
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Hi Mich, sounds good! Only the CT scan to go and dhances are, they will be clear too. Fingers crossed. It is no wonder you are tired. Still a way to go but the good news of being all clear will be a big load off your mind.
keep in touch,
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Hi Mich, sounds good! Only the CT scan to go and dhances are, they will be clear too. Fingers crossed. It is no wonder you are tired. Still a way to go but the good news of being all clear will be a big load off your mind.
keep in touch,
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Hi Mich, sounds good! Only the CT scan to go and dhances are, they will be clear too. Fingers crossed. It is no wonder you are tired. Still a way to go but the good news of being all clear will be a big load off your mind.
keep in touch,
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Hi Mich, Great news with the CT scan!! Day at a time and I am sure you will be Ok. Yes BC does take over your life but hoping the time passes quickly for you and you will be finished your treatments and on the up and up. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and wishing you all the best on your journey.
Take care, Jill xx
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Hi Jill
Thank you so much for your kind words and taking time out to be there for me. It really does mean a lot. I am unable to put it in to words but it is so special to have support from a total stranger but someone who understands the journey so I thank you with all my heart.
I am not sure where you live (I did look at your page but it is set for private) Are you in WA or Eastern States (not that it makes much difference as the journey we are on has nothing to do with the miles between us).
I just appreciate your support and I thank you.
I just feel like I am wishing my life away at the moment as I just want this next week to be over. I just feel that life is in limbo constantly lately and I seem to have so many things testing me along the way just with normal day to day stuff and then my lil journey on top. I guess as the saying goes "dont stress over the small stuff" means something to me now and when I hear my daughter or husband stressing over small stuff I now know what it all means.
Thank you again, take care and hopefully we can talk soon. I am not sure where you are at in your journey but hope you are travelling well.
Mich xx
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Hi Jill
Good to hear from you. I am back down in Perth today after a couple of days at home with hubby. He has had to return to work and I am down for a follow up appointment with the breast clinic as I have an infection post surgery plus cording - at the moment. I have my appt tomorrow arvo and then another chemo oncology appt on Wednesday. BUT all depends on the outcome of the breast clinic appointment. I am definitely not in a rush to start the chemo BUT it has been 5 weeks nearly since the second surgery. I have still not been able to put a plan in place BUT I am just taking it one step at a time and trying to deal with the speed bumps in the road as they come along.
Thank you for your well wishes and all your positive thoughts. It is good to talk to someone who has been down this path and survived it and is able to tell the story at the end of the journey.
Talk soon, take care, kind regards
Mich x
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Hi Mich, Hope you are going along ok. Where are you with treatment now? Hope you are finding it all ok and not having too hard a time with it all.
Take care, Jillxx
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Hi Mich, I guess you have had a couple of treatments now and are gearing up for your daughter's wedding on Saturday. Hope all goes well for her and you are able to enjoy the day with family. Are you having two different types of chemo, 3 of one and then 3 of the other? All ok with me,back to see my GP in a few weeks and my surgeon for my 6 monthly check up. I work at Easterfest here in Toowoomba for 3 days over Easter, in catering. Have you heard of Easterfest? Sadly, I just lost a beautiful lady that came to my aid in hospital when I had my mastectomy in October 2008. After 4 years she lost her battle. She lived in Western Queensland and doctors misdiagnosed her breast cancer 4 years ago. By the time they diagnosed her she had secondary in her bones. She had chemo prior to having her mastectomy in October 2008 and had many rounds of chemo trying to keep it in the bones. They moved to Toowoomba so she could be close to doctors and specialists. She was so cheerful and such an inspiration to me when I fell in a heap after being diagnosed. I am just so glad that our paths crossed. I hope you keep going ok, remember you are one third of the way through now, one more and you will be half way. That is how i looked at my chemo. All the best, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Jill xxx
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Hi Jill
Sorry I have been off that radar track again for a while. It has been such a busy busy time. I had Alysh'a High Tea at the Duxton which was wonderful and then we went on to party at her freinds unit where everyone came back. The youngies then continued on to a club after that but us oldies called it quits then. It was a wonderful day and my daughter looked like a princess in her tiara :-)
Then I had my chemo plus an injection of Neulastia (for low white cell count) the next day. The chemo bomb and the injection hit really hard for a few days. I was semi conscious and in absolute lower back agony for at least 2 days from the injection. Since recovering from that I haven't had too many major side effects, only mouth issues, a very bad blistery rash on my chest and in my nose and a few minor things.
The wedding was amazing. It was an absolute perfect day weather wise (sunny but with a lovely breeze). The location for the ceremony was perfect, on top of a grassed hill/park overlooking the yacht club with all the water and boats below. It was in Mosman Park. It was a beautiful ceremony carried out by a Catholic Priest (they don't usually do weddings outside the church but the kids had to get special permission and then find a priest who would do it). It all came together so well and the priest was lovely.
The reception area was the brand new ballroom at Freshwater Bay Yacht Club in Peppermint Grove. It was so well organised and set out. The food and drinks were more than plentiful and everyone had the bestest time. Once again Alysha and Gareth looked fantastic. Alysha designed her own dress and she looked stunning.
Thankfully timing was perfect for me and I was well for both wedding and High Tea. I was so blessed to be able to enjoy both days and be well. My hair was fantastic and the owner of our Local Dress Shop in our little town found me two wonderful outfits where I had so many positive comments and people asking to borrow them hee hee.
I have so many wonderful photos of the two special days to look back over and remember how lucky we were to be there and to enjoy it so much.
Needless to say all my worrying and concerns were unecessary and it all went well.
My daughter is so strong, she cared for me while I was so unwell (her stubborness won out in that one) in between organising all the final bits for her special day plus dealing with the stress of herself, her now hubby and the can't get away from interfering family and freinds. I am so very very proud of her.
I hope you are doing well and all your results from GP and check ups are going well.
I hadn't heard of Easterfest but it sounds like it would be lots of fun.
It is so very very sad when we loose someone so close to us. I am so glad she was there for you when you needed her and I am sure you were there for her through her journey just as you are for me for which I am very grateful.
I am due for my third FEC chemo on 18/4 and then I have 3 "T" chemo cycles after that. I am not really sure what the "T" stands for as I have read a couple of different names starting with T. One is Taxotere but not sure of the other.
I still have my hematoma and my infection which after a lot of digging, prodding, pricking ultrasound etc they have decided to treat it conservatively. If I get very ill from it they will look at removing the lump but if not just leave it as is. They don't want to have to stop the chemo while they do more surgery.
Well I have prattled on long enough.
Let me know how you are going with your results and how you are going day to day.
Thanks again heaps. Lovely to hear from you.
Mich x
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Hi Jill
Sorry I have been off that radar track again for a while. It has been such a busy busy time. I had Alysh'a High Tea at the Duxton which was wonderful and then we went on to party at her freinds unit where everyone came back. The youngies then continued on to a club after that but us oldies called it quits then. It was a wonderful day and my daughter looked like a princess in her tiara :-)
Then I had my chemo plus an injection of Neulastia (for low white cell count) the next day. The chemo bomb and the injection hit really hard for a few days. I was semi conscious and in absolute lower back agony for at least 2 days from the injection. Since recovering from that I haven't had too many major side effects, only mouth issues, a very bad blistery rash on my chest and in my nose and a few minor things.
The wedding was amazing. It was an absolute perfect day weather wise (sunny but with a lovely breeze). The location for the ceremony was perfect, on top of a grassed hill/park overlooking the yacht club with all the water and boats below. It was in Mosman Park. It was a beautiful ceremony carried out by a Catholic Priest (they don't usually do weddings outside the church but the kids had to get special permission and then find a priest who would do it). It all came together so well and the priest was lovely.
The reception area was the brand new ballroom at Freshwater Bay Yacht Club in Peppermint Grove. It was so well organised and set out. The food and drinks were more than plentiful and everyone had the bestest time. Once again Alysha and Gareth looked fantastic. Alysha designed her own dress and she looked stunning.
Thankfully timing was perfect for me and I was well for both wedding and High Tea. I was so blessed to be able to enjoy both days and be well. My hair was fantastic and the owner of our Local Dress Shop in our little town found me two wonderful outfits where I had so many positive comments and people asking to borrow them hee hee.
I have so many wonderful photos of the two special days to look back over and remember how lucky we were to be there and to enjoy it so much.
Needless to say all my worrying and concerns were unecessary and it all went well.
My daughter is so strong, she cared for me while I was so unwell (her stubborness won out in that one) in between organising all the final bits for her special day plus dealing with the stress of herself, her now hubby and the can't get away from interfering family and freinds. I am so very very proud of her.
I hope you are doing well and all your results from GP and check ups are going well.
I hadn't heard of Easterfest but it sounds like it would be lots of fun.
It is so very very sad when we loose someone so close to us. I am so glad she was there for you when you needed her and I am sure you were there for her through her journey just as you are for me for which I am very grateful.
I am due for my third FEC chemo on 18/4 and then I have 3 "T" chemo cycles after that. I am not really sure what the "T" stands for as I have read a couple of different names starting with T. One is Taxotere but not sure of the other.
I still have my hematoma and my infection which after a lot of digging, prodding, pricking ultrasound etc they have decided to treat it conservatively. If I get very ill from it they will look at removing the lump but if not just leave it as is. They don't want to have to stop the chemo while they do more surgery.
Well I have prattled on long enough.
Let me know how you are going with your results and how you are going day to day.
Thanks again heaps. Lovely to hear from you.
Mich x
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Hi Mich, Sounds like your daughter"s wedding was very beautiful. So happy you were well enough to enjoy it all. Hope the Taxotere is going ok for you with not too many side effects. I had the same chemo, 3 Fec then 3 Taxotere. I have been keeping well just busy with the catering work the last few weekends. i see my GP and surgeon in May for check ups. I'm hoping all is going to be Ok but I don't have any issues at this stage. I have sent you my email address if you ever want to contact me by email. I don't come on the BCNA site very often anymore.
Anyways, chin up, you are over half way now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care, Jill XX