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Trial drug.

Hi there

i have recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer and have had radiation on my spine and leg.
 November 2022. 

Has anyone started a trial drug called OP1250 please? 

It’s in conjunction with palbociclib.   
Or any information about palbociclib would be appreciated also as I start that this week. 

Kind regards. 


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi Ro123
    if you join the Living With Metastatic Breast Cancer private group you may get sone answers there.
    Palbociclib has been around for a while but looks like this drug OP 1250 is very new.
    Sorry you had to join this club but you’ll find a wealth of information in this website including some excellent  podcasts .
    It might be worth giving the helpline a call to help you navigate through it .
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Sorry to see you join our exclusive group, @Ro123 ... I am sure someone will jump on if they've used the drug, but it is fairly new 'to the system' and a search of the BCNA site hasn't had it mentioned before (unless in the private Mets Group.)

    Feel free to tell us a bit more of your story so far .... if you add your 'general location' to your profile, we may even have members nearby who you may be able to meet up with, for a coffee & a chat, now that Covid restrictions have lifted - but still need to be 'careful'.

    Jump onto this thread for a bit of info about the site & different threads you may like to check out - even a 'funnies' one, for a laugh!  And we all need a laugh! xx

    take care and all the best with your ongoing treatment xx
  • Ro123
    Ro123 Member Posts: 4
    Thank you. I am 46 and live in the Geelong region.

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 25/11/2022. One day later I found myself at ED with excruciating back pain. This was a tumor on my spine, of which I have since undertaker radiation treatment. I have also had a rod a pin put in my femur as the bone had a 50% chance of breaking.
    I also had follow-up radiation on my leg also. This has all happened in 3 months.

    Its been a very hard time emotionally and I have also had Zolodex injections to put me into early menopause.

    I start my trial tomorrow and it is a new drug called OP1250. I will also be put on Palbociclib. 

    Kind regards.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    All the best with your trial starting tomorrow, @Ro123 xx. You've had a HUGE shock to the system - it is great that things are moving quickly for you xx ....

    Have you been allocated a Mets Breast Care Nurse?  They are often your 'first point of call' when you want explanations or answers - or ring the help line here on 1800 500 258 Mon-Fri (work hours.)

    I hope you have good family & friends who can help support you as you go thru the treatments xx