Grade 3 Triple Negative

Angieree Member Posts: 2
Hi - I am still processing that I am here. I am waiting for a referral after my GP casually informed me that I have grade three - triple negative breast cancer on the 9th Nov after a biopsy. I have gained my information about what it is here and am asking “what happens next” please. 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793

    It's all confronting until you meet with the Specialist and get an understanding of the treatment process.   All individual plans hence what happens next depends on what your Specialist determines is best for you

    The link above hopefully will help.

    Take care
    Best wishes 
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,513
    Hi @Angieree, so sorry you are in this situation. It's all so hard at the beginning and very overwhelming. It's one step at a time. Big breaths. I gather your insensitive GP didn't explain what happens next.

    So you are getting a referral? Do you know who it is to? I am guessing a surgeon. The surgeon will discuss what if the best way forward. There may also be an oncologist referral too but if not your surgeon might arrange that. 

    When you get your referral and make that appointment can you take someone with you? Do you have good support. I took my husband to all my appointments. It was helpful because it's alot to process and sometimes hard to take it all in.

    Write your questions down so you can ask your doctor these questions at the appointment. Make sure you get the surgeon to explain everything. It's so important that they advise you fully. 

    Keep busy until that time as it will help with the stress of all this. Do things you enjoy and take in a little exercise if you can as it is good on many levels.

    This group is excellent for support and so many terrific people who can help answer questions as you go through this.

    Hope you get your referral soon so you can make your appointment to see what the next step is. Best wishes to you.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,162
    Hi @Angieree, you have already received supportive responses. I am glad you have found this invaluable online community.

    Your question comes very close to our webcast title Webcast:
    Just diagnosed in 2022, what’s next?
     Please feel free to check this out and if you would like to chat with one of our Helpline team, please call 1800 500 258.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,466

    Bad luck but welcome! I hope you get your referral soon. Waiting is an inevitable part of the experience I’m afraid, but some is more understandable than others. A polite phone call about when you might expect to get/hear something is perfectly in order. It’s all confusing at first so never hesitate to ask questions, depending on your own threshold about information. Some like to know a lot, others a bit less detail. It’s all one step at a time at this stage however. The network can be very useful for the question you forgot to ask, for clarification or just to let off steam (everyone needs to from time to time). Best wishes. 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,297
    Hi @Angieree
    Its very overwhelming at first - I actually had an out of body experience  we nice when my GP gave me my diagnosis - like I was looking down on the consult and it was someone else.
    The best advice my GP gave he was to take someone with me to my appointment with the breast cancer surgeon she referred me to as I. Would not likely take everything in .
    luckily my husband was retired and he came to all of my initial appointments with various specialists - the very first one with the breast cancer surgeon was really critical.
    I had a big (5.5 cm) lobular cancer and had yo have lots of tests and scans and the waiting was very anxiety producing.
    Once I had a treatment plan I calmed down a bit.
    I ended up having double mastectomy, radiotherapy , DIEP reconstruction and now hormone therapy - I am 2 years on from my diagnosis.
    You will find a lot of very useful stuff on this website and a lot of support on this forum - we have all “been there” one way or another - no question is ever too silly or trivial .
    Take care and let us know when you know more.🌺
  • colthul
    colthul Member Posts: 20
    It can feel like an eternity while you wait for the referals and more information. I am a planner and the perceived (by me) lack of urgency to get things started was my biggest frustration. Feel free to join this facebook group I found it so helpful with understanding TNBC. The ladies are all fantastic and really helpful
  • Angieree
    Angieree Member Posts: 2
    Joined and thanks 🙏 
  • Arn_007
    Arn_007 Member Posts: 17
    You referred to an out of body experience on diagnosis.

    I had detachment in a similar situation and thought "Wow, I've actually hit psychosis.  There you go.". 😆

    In my case, my sister pointed out that anxiety (which I have) can reach a point where your body just shuts down.

    As a newbie, I'm finding the advice and support here so wonderful.  Given I'm not much further than you, I can't offer advice but I'm a good listener, if you need to vent.

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793

    You mention Anxiety
    There's also Scanxiety so hopefully this will help if you face it

  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,297
    Hi @Arn_007
    The anxiety ( of which “ scanxiety”  is a subset) is normal and in my case comes and goes.
    I am 2 years and 2 months from my diagnosis , 2 years from my mastectomy and 15 months since my reconstructive surgery.
    Most days ( and nights ) I don’t think about the BC, but certain things do trigger anxiety ( checkups with my breast cancer surgeon and oncologist being prime examples).
    As time goes by it is normal to let go somewhat and let life go on .
    But you know there will always be support here when you need it .
    Take care 🌺
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    How are you going @Angieree?  I hope you've made progress with your appointments & treatment & are going OK xx

    Don't forget you can chat with our Helpline here on Mon-Fri 1800500258 (before the Xmas break) and ask them any questions.

    I hope you've got good family & friend support & that you have a safe & happy Xmas xx

    take care