Welcome New Members

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,154
edited November 2021 in General discussion

A very warm welcome to our newest members this past week:

@merlotJ @Caramello @EssaB @JBro @Xyzabc @LizMcD @goodonya09 @Opoho

You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who provide meaningful support to each other. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with to other members. Please explore our various Groups for members who are looking for greater peer-to-peer support.   

The following links may also be helpful in getting you started:  

Our long-time members (newbies too!) are a wealth of information regarding the useful discussion topics and information available through BCNA’s Online Network, therefore please do not hesitate to post your questions.  You have the option to add details about yourself to your ‘profile’ and if you would like more targeted member responses, you may like to add where you live ( eg. Sydney, Melbourne, regional Victoria etc).  

If you need help navigating the Online Network please message myself @Mez_BCNA or one of our other moderators. Alternatively, phone BCNA's Helpline 1800 500 258 Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm AEST.


  • VicEli
    VicEli Member Posts: 3
    I’m Archie’s mum and I was diagnosed with Early Breast Cancer in February. I have had a mastectomy and have had a breast reconstruction which still needs some refining. I am on hormone inhibiting therapy. I have not needed any other treatment. Throughout all of this I had been in control, coping, “nothing to see here, move on”
    Thursday I had a triggering moment during an unrelated to cancer, medical procedure. I haven’t stopped crying. I realise that these emotions have always been lurking and this is part of my healing process. I am yet to name these emotions and I really don’t know what to do. I have a cousellor who tells me ‘self care’. I don’t know what that looks like. 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,240
    edited November 2021
    Oh my gosh, @VicEli - Welcome to the club that no-one wants to join xx. I hope that you are going ok following your surgery, recon & AIs ..... feel free to keep chatting & we'll do our best to help you out xx

    I am so sorry that this has happened to you right now - but just know that it is NOT unusual - and it happens to many of us at one stage or another of our treatment - I've had a couple of huge meltdowns - probably more than a couple. xx.  I'll see if we can get this transferred over to the Newly Diagnosed section as it's own 'post' so you can do follow up posts as well xx @Mez_BCNA@BCNA

    It is Good that you are already seeing a counsellor - but like you, I am not really sure what 'self care' is either .... other than maybe putting YOU as 'first -  No 1 at this point in time & getting thru this crisis point xx  In the mean time, do you have family or good friends that you can chat with - or spend time with, so you are not alone over the weekend?  You say you are Archie's Mum - are you a 'carer'? Is Archie a member here? 

    Can you get outside on the weekend & do some physical exercise, to get that brain away from going amok? xx

    Check out this post for some interesting bits about the forum ..... the post on 'being superwoman' is well worth a read .... and the Night Howls .... if you can't sleep tonight - jump on & hopefully someone else will be awake to chat with you xx

    On Monday, maybe try calling the BCNA helpline 1800 500 258 -  but if you feel really down over the weekend (when many of the other help lines aren't available), please call:


    Call 1300 22 4636   24 hours 7 days a week

    Trained mental health professional are available 24/7 either via phone or their website.


    Beyondblue also have a list of national helplines and websites


    Life line Australia

    13 11 14

    24 hours 7 days a week

    Telephone crisis support


    Take care & all the best xxx

  • VicEli
    VicEli Member Posts: 3
    Ha,ha! Archie is one of my dogs! I have two. Thank you for your comments. I won’t be alone over the weekend. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,240
    hahaha @VicEli  I was trying to find Archie on the blog!  LOL 

    Personally, I found that this whole experience has mucked with my BRAIN more than anything else!  And that is very hard to control, as it has a mind of its own! I found that keeping BUSY, doing things is the secret . .... get back into your hobbies or take up a new one - even more so now with Covid as we can’t get together with buddies as readily as before.  Fishing works for me!  ;) 

    If there is anything you want to discuss in a more private manner, you can message a member (or a group of members) and chat in total privacy - or join the private groups off on the right hand side .... 

    When you have 5 mins spare, jump onto some of these posts for a diversion  .... Try & keep your sense of humour 'up there' - we have a really good 'funnies page' (called Friday Funnies, but we add them every day!!)  Just click on the link to add pics and posts ... we even have a 'furkids' post!! (and a fishing post! ;) )https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/19116/friday-funnies#latest

    If you are into arts & crafts, we have a 'Creative Corner' 

     and if into your garden, a Gardening post as well!! 


    And we now have a Fishing post, as that is one of my passions!

    If you have 'fur kids' - put their pic here & describe their funny antics ...   https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/comment/92526#Comment_92526

    We even have a funny Xmas page .... feel free to add any that you’ve seen!

    Then, when you have some MORE time ... check out the blog by a female British Breast Surgeon who went on to develop Breast Cancer, with recurrence.  She was amazed at just how much it changed her life, both mentally and physically ... and validates all our own ‘aches and pains’ ... SO ... if your Onc/GP etc doesn’t believe you when you discuss side effects - get THEM to read this blog too!  


    take care xx

  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,283
    There is an almost overwhelming amount of information on this website for those newly and ( not so newly) diagnosed with breast cancer .
    I have recently listened to the Dr Charlotte Tottman podcasts referred to in a few subjects down here on
    the forum.
    She is a psychologist specialising in cancer patients who was herself diagnosed with breast cancer.
    I found it really helpful.
    I personally still have a bit of a cry at times , it’s perfectly normal given what we have been through - I explain it to myself as grief at the loss of my “ bulletproof self”.
    All the best.