Triple negative and menopause

Kellee Member Posts: 73
Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve visited this site, I have my 3rd year post treatment check up coming up in a few weeks, so far all clear 😁
I was wondering if any of you chemo induced menopausal women have any advice on skin care. I feel like my skin is ageing at a rapid rate. I’ve been taking silica, tried many lotions but nothing is helping. I’ve been told to be weary of taking collagen due to the lack of studies of its affect on TNBC.
Any advice will be appreciated xxx


  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hi @kellee - when you find something, let me know!
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Darl, I’m not an expert on skin care. I wish I was, cos my skin is aging too (just due to age) and I don’t like Botox etc. But one thing I’ve been doing for years is drink Aloe Vera juice. Not the sweet one, it’s the one that has 99% leaf extract in it, and you only drink about 40ml in the morning then same at night. Aloe is a miracle worker for skin, and by doing that you’re going from the inside, which is best. Plus it’s good for the digestive system. And you also might like to try applying it straight from the plant onto your face, and keep it during the day or night. I also do that sometimes. I can’t see it too much, but some people have told me I look younger than my age. Worth a try anyway cos it’s natural and already proven to not be harmful at all. Plus it’s very cheap. 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    I put 2 litres of water in a jug on my ktichen bench, and drink it every day.  People do comment I look younger than my age.  Keeping hydrated helps!  
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Me too @Keeping_positive1. Aim is for two litres. Maybe more during summer. Very important to be hydrated for the skin and health overall.