Eyelash growth

Locksley Member Posts: 981
Hi everyone I'm happy to see that I am getting little black spikes that  I hope will grow  back as eyelashes after  chemo.   Did anyone have any success using eye lash serums or I just need to be patient for them to grow naturally. Cheers 


  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 529
    I really missed my eyelashes. For me they were the last hairs to fall out, late in the Paclitaxel Chemo.
    But they did seem to grow back quite quickly once they started to grow. I think that by approx 2 months( after Chemo) I had a reasonable length. I would just be patient, they are on their way! It's a nice feeling, having bits of us returning to normal.
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    Hi @Locksley, I’m glad your eyelashes are starting to return. As it’s been said, they’ll prob grow back pretty quickly, but I have read quite a bit that coconut oil helps them grow back more quickly and thicker. It’s natural and doesn’t hurt to try 
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    Hi @Locksley, I can relate to what you are saying, there is nothing like seeing the first eyelash sprouts. I bought a product - at Chemist Warehouse - L’Oreal Lash Serum. I used it, but I honestly can’t tell you if it worked, but I felt like I was doing something 🥴 I was even putting it on my brows! Who knows if it made a difference or if it was just time. What I do know for sure is, once they start, they come back pretty quickly. 
    I didn’t know about coconut oil, but I would definitely give that a try - cheap and you can always use it for cooking too 😁
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    Thankyou everyone.  I will try coconut oil.  The lash serum was on  special at chemist warehouse.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Yeah, I'd just let nature take its course with this. I'm thinking the first time you get some coconut oil on your eyeball, you'll agree with me. Watch out for ingrown ones -- yes, it's a 'thing'. Of course it fucking is, the cosmic clowns must keep their end of the deal up..
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    Check out this article @Locksley. @Zoffiel is right, it’s probably no fun if it gets in your eye, but it will be mostly uncomfortable, not harmful. So if that happens, just rinse it out or wipe it away and your eye will do the rest on its own. Good luck 

  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    Thanks @FLClover & @Zoffiel I think I will just wait for them to grow!
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,520
    Hi @Locksley, my daughter in law suggested a serum and I have been using it but to be honest I have no idea if it is working or not. I do have some eye lashed but it all seems to be taking awhile. I intend to keep using the serum and just see how my lashes go. 
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Good old caster oil is said to work.
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    Good idea @Locksley. I’m pretty sure you’ll have fluttery lashes to smear with mascara in no time 😊. 
    I didn’t do chemo but have always had sparse eyelashes. Even now, I have massive gaps on both eyes. So I might take one for the team, so to speak, and finally try that coconut oil 😆😊😘
  • MicheleR
    MicheleR Member Posts: 353
    Ooh @Locksley that is very exciting for you. Mine fell out in my second to final taxol along with my eyebrows. Good to hear they dont take that long to reemerge. 

    Ive had my last chemo on Wednesday! Woohoo!
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 981
    @Michelle_R congratulations on your last chemo session.  Yes I am happy to see the black spikes starting to poke out of my eyelids.  
  • kazb
    kazb Member Posts: 25
    because i kept my hair through using the cold cap, it was weird to see me with no eyelashes or eyebrows, and the emergence of little black caterpillars is exciting, just a heads up,   because eyelashes have a three stage cycle of growth dormant then fall out, it will take a couple of  cycles for them to really get back to their proper length, as they get out of synch with each other.  Mine have gone from nothing to long, then short and hopefully im onto a longer stage now.
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    So true @kazb mine grew and are now getting out of sync which is good. Mine did the same - nothing, then long, then short and now different stages of being uneven and getting back to what they were. I even had mine tinted the other day 😀
  • Mummy0297
    Mummy0297 Member Posts: 19
    hi Locksley - how exciting is it when your eyelashes start growing back . I told everyone I had baby eyelashes when I noticed them 2 weeks ago. I have just left them to grow. My eyebrows seem to be growing back randomly. Congratulations on finishing chemo xx